chapter 28

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***Ocean's POV***

As I stared at his figure, getting closer to me by the second, I shook in fear. This has happened all too often in the last two and a half months. You see, it was okay for the first week, with Dallas there. But after a week, he got a call from his boss or whoever, saying he had to fly over to Los Angeles because there was a ''gang'' rivalry going on between his other group of people and another group. Dallas argued with him, saying that Harry's brother could go in his place. But his boss wouldn't hear it. So, he left to fix everything that Los Angeles "fuckmonkies, no good penislickers" as he liked to call them, fucked up. And then, things started to get worse. Two nights after he flew out, I was locked in this room, with a different guy, and beaten and raped. i cried for hours afterwards. I felt so ashamed. This happened again and again and again over the months. A few times I was beaten so bad that I was within an inch of dying, I couldn't move. And the worst part of that is while I couldn't move I was raped by many guys.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I was shoved against the wall forcefully. A second later I felt lips on mine, kissing my roughly. I refused to kiss back and he pulled away and slapped my across the face and said, "You know how this works. Do it right and I'll let you go into town later." I whimpered and nodded my head. He kissed me again this time I kissed back. I did everything I was suppose to, like I was told. This time he didn't beat me, didn't lock me back in my room like every other time. I got up, got dressed, and went to the bathroom connected to my room. I looked at myself in the mirror and instantly felt disgusted with myself. How could I let them do this to me? How could I let it get this far? I should've run when I had the chance. I heard a knock on the door and a voice said, "Get ready. I'm taking you to town." It was Winter. She was actually really nice. She snuck me food at night and took care of my bruises and cuts and sprains after I was beaten. She was kind and she talked to me and came in to my room and held me as I cried and cried.

"Okay," I answered. I got in the shower and washed every single inch of me. Every inch. I washed my hair twice and used conditioner. And then I washed my body again. I always felt dirty and filthy these days. I got out and blow dried my hair and got dressed. I threw on a Cal State hoodie and black leggings. I went into my room and saw Winter sitting on my bed. She looked up at me and sighed, "Oh, sweetie, you look absolutely horrible. Those boys really did a number on you this week. Babe, I am so sorry about this. I wish I could help."

"It's okay, you would just get beat if you did help me." She just shook her head and made me follow her to her bathroom. She made me sit on the toilet as she went through all her make up. When she found what she was looking for, she turned to me and started putting it on me. I hated the fact that I needed it to cover bruises and cuts on my face whenever I had to go into town, which was only twice since I'd been with them. When she was done she grabbed my hand and said, "Come on, let's go."

When we got to town, she asked if I wanted anything to drink or eat, so we went to Starbucks. We got our drinks and walked around town. I drug her into one of my favorite stores, I loved it to be honest.

As we were walking around, I saw a guy from the back, with blonde hair and wearing the same shirt Niall was wearing the day Zayn came and took me. I looked away because it was impossible, there was no way it was Niall. I looked at Winter and said, "Oh hey thats cute!"

"Oohh, that would look so cute on you, Ocean!" she squealed. And then the blonde guy turned around, eyes wide and mouth open.

"Ocean!?" I took a good look at him and realized it was Niall. "Oh my god Ocean!" He ran over to me and hugged me, tightly. Really tight.

"Ow ow, Niall," I said wincing. I pulled away and clutched my side.

"Are you okay?" he asked looking worried.

I took a deep breathed and winced because it hurt and said, "Yeah, yeah."

He hugged me again and again I winced and pulled away. "Ocean, you need to come home."

"Niall," I said. He looked heart broken. "I just....I can't."

"No you're coming back with me whether you like it or not" I grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. I looked behind me and saw Winter coming after us. I heard her say, "You can't take her! Let her go!" I tried to pull away but my side and well entire body hurt to bad to pull away. He drug me all the way to his car and threw me in the front seat and I heard Winter still yelling at him, but she got in the back seat before he could drive away. She whispered, "We are gonna be in so much trouble when we go back."

"Ocean isn't going back. But you are."

"No she isn't going any where with out me. And we have to go back." I said, trying not to cry from the pain I was in.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You won't understand."

"But-" I cut him off.

"Niall, I can't explain this to you." He was driving twenty miles over the speed limit. But who am I to talk, I speed every time I drive.

"Look, we'll talk about this when we get back to the boys."

"But-" Winter started.

"Not a word, princess," Niall interuppted her. I didn't want to argue with him so I didn't say anything. We drove in silence for the rest of the ride.

We pulled up to the house and the other three boys and Nadia ran out to the car. They all yelled and hugged me and looked so happy to see me.

But little did they know, I wouldn't be staying.

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