chapter 31

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I stared at the woman before me. She looked the same as the day she left, except now she looked exhausted and worried.

"Ocean?" she asked. And had tears in her eyes. "Is that really you? Are you really sitting in front of me?"

I just looked at her and didn't answer, "Mom?" I asked again in shock. The realization hit me that this was my mom standing in front of me, in real life, not a dream. "Oh my god mom!" I yelled and ran into her arms. I hugged her tightly as she wrapped her arms around me. I ignored the pain shooting through me and I cried into her shoulder.

"Shh, baby, it's okay,"  she whispered over and over again. "It's gonna be okay."

"Mom," I said sobbing. "Where have you been?"

"Didn't you read my note I left?" She asked pulling away and looking at me.



"I-uh, I just got it today."


"It's a long story," I whispered.

"Jesus, Ocean, I'm sorry," she said pulling me back to her. I cried out in pain as she did so. "Oh right, I need to take your X-rays." She told me to lay down and stay still as she took the X-ray. I did what she said and she took it. When she was done another lady took me back to the room to wait for the results. All I wanted to was talk to my mom again, but then again I didn't want to say one more word to her. I was told she would be the one bringing the results down to me and then the doctor would come in a talk to me about them.

When I got back to the room Dallas and Winter were talking to each other about what was going to happen at the house now that their boss knew what had happened.

"Um hey guys can I be alone for a few minutes?" I whispered.

"O-okay," Winter said and then walked out.

I picked up the two pieces of paper and held them in my hands. I looked at them and set them back down. Then I picked them up and set them back down again. I did this atleast twelve million more times before I actually opened them. This first one I opened was my dad's and as I began to read, I swore I heard his voice.

Dear Jada Ocean Brooks,
        Ocean, babygirl, if you're reading this, then I'm dead and you were there to witness it. I don't know if you'll ever read this, but if you do, I need to tell you this: I am so proud of you, Jada. I am so proud to have called myself your father for all these years. You are smart and beautiful and talented. You and your mother are the best things that ever happened to me. And I'm sorry for everything I put you through that day. I'm sorri you had to be here. I'm so fucking sorry baby. I never wanted to hurt you, I didn't want this to happen. I have done things in my life that I regret, that I know if you ever found out you would think I'm a disgrace as a person, but everything I did, I did it for you. I wanted you to have a good life, to be happy. I made mistakes trying to make that happen and I hurt all of us in the process. I never thought that this would happen, that I'd need to be writning this. I wish I could tell you this in person. I know you're going to hate me and that's okay. I love you, so much Jada, I love you. And that is why I'm dead. But don't ever think it's your fault. I chose this life, and I knew the consequnces. I knew what I was doing when I joined. And I didn't care as long as I had money to support your mother, and you when you came along. I wanted out, and I was willing to do anything, because I heard you cry at night when I came home late and didn't want to wake you, I saw how sad you were when I said I had "business trips." I couldn't do that to you anymore so I tried to leave, but she wouldn't let, she blackmailed me, threatened me, threatened to hurt you.
I finally I had enough, so she told me I would either die or be free. And well you know what happened. But I don't regret a thing. I know I would hurt you when I died, but I know you're string and a fighter. You will go on to do great things and make me proud. You will go on and have your own family and make better decisions than I did. Babygirl I love you and don't ever forget it. Dont ever let anyone bring you down, don't let them hurt you the way I did. I love you. So much

Love, dad

Okay guys this sucked but I promise the next one will be 10 million times better

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