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Hey guys, so I've come to the conclusion of something. Today some one asked me "who are you?" And i couldn't find an answer, sure i could tell them my backstory; how my father beat me, how my first step dad died and then house burned down, how i got depressed. Or i could tell them my name, where i live, what my family is like. But tell me this how does that tell them who i am in the grand scheme of things. In all reality most of us don't matter to all lot of people, and most are okay with that. Most of us are okay with the fact that we'll never be famous or rich or anything like that. But im not, i want to matter, i want to change the world, i want to help people, be there for them and maybe even one day be able to help people on the other side of the world. I don't want to be someone who when a person hears my name they vaguely remember me or they say something like "i used to know her" "we went to school together" or "who?" I want to make an impression on the world, but how can i do that when i cant even tell you who i am.
So let me ask you this, who are you? Leave a comment on who you are and tell me who you think I am. If you aren't too scared to.

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