chapter 16

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okay so i'll be switching POV's in this chapter, but not a lot....maybe twice. i know it caan cause a lot of confusion so i'll try and keep that from happening. love you guysssssss. y'all are pretty amazing if you're still reading this thang i call a story.

***Louis's POV****

I walked out of my room to see Harry standing in the living room talking to Ocean and Niall. Something looked wrong with, that wasn't usually like him when he was just out with a girl. I heard him say "Where's Louis?" his voice cracking at the end. My heart went out to him. Sure, I was fucking pissed at him for ditching me tonight, but the thing was Harry made me feel a way that I never thought I could again. Harry meant everything to me and I'd do anything for him, he just doesn't know it and it kills me.

After he spoke, not even two seconds later he just collasped on the floor. As he did so, Ocean caught eye contact with me and I  froze. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there, mouth open in shock and Ocean and Niall ran over to him. They were trying to get him off the floor, but they weren't getting very far with it. All I could think was "Oh my God. Harry is going to die." I was snapped out of my daze Niall almost dropping Harry back on the floor and Ocean yelling at me.

I ran over to them and took Hazza from them. Holy fuck this boy was heavy. I struggled to walk with him in my arms back to my room, but I made it. I layed him on my bed and sat on the floor and tried to figure out what to do. I thought maybe I'd just give him the night and see if it's any better in the morning, but then I thought better of it. I sat there with head in my hands trying to come up with a better plan for a good hour and a half when i heard a moan come from my bed. I looked up to see Harry moving his head around and what i assume was trying to open his eyes.

"Hazza?" I whispered as I stood up.

"L-louis?" He said sounding confused. He finally managed to open his eyes and look at me. "What happened?" His voice was wavering and he sounded weak.

"I-i don't know Haz. You just collapsed on the floor. I don't know why," I said trying desprerately to stay calm for him. I think I should take him to the hospital, but i didn't want to take the chance of him waking up in an unfamilar place, he doesn't do well in those.

He looked at me and in that moment he looked so vulnerable that i could have cried, and I don't cry.I couldnt let him see that so I said, "Harry, I need to take you to the hospital."

"No," he said with force.

"Yes, you need to go.''

"I'm not going to a hospital, Lou."

"Harry," I stopped talking when I sae the look he was giving me. "Okay fine, if I can't convince you I'll find someone who will" I walked out of my room and into the living room with Ocean and Niall. I looked at Niall who was eating, of course, and decided against asking him. Then I looked at Ocean, who was drawing. Damn, she was an amazing artist. I thought maybe she could convice Haz he needed to go the hospital.

"Um, Ocean?'' I asked hesitantly.

  She looked up at me and put her pencil down, "Yes Louis?''

"I need your help something."

"What is it?"

"Um, well, I need you to convince Harry he needs to go to the hospital."

"Of course I'll help, Louis. I mean after all you are Carrot King."

At this I smiled. She was trying to make me feel better, and it did a little bit. "Ah well yes, carrot princess." She smiled and put her stuff down and walked past me. I went to follow her, but she stopped me. "Let me do this alone. okay?'

"But-"  she cut me off with a look that could scare Satan. "Okay"

I watched her walk away and into my room, and in that moment I felt like Ocean is too fucking sweet to deal with everything she'd been through. She has been so nice to us, even though we basically kidnapped her. I just hope she can convince Harry to go. I needed to get my mind off of this situation, so I looked Niall.'

"Hey, Niall."

"Yeah, Lou?"

"Do you remember how you said Ocean was a good singer?"

"Yeah, of course. She has a beautiful voice."

"Well I can prove it to the other two boys," I say with a smirk on my face.


"In the car she would sing even though she didn't realize it. She would sing quietly but i could still hear. So, I pulled  out my phone and started recording her," as I said this I got my phone out of my and clicked on the video.

"I remember the day you told me you were leavin'. I rememeber the makeup runnin' your face. And the dreams you left behinf you didn't need them, Like every single wish we ever made. I wish that I could wake up withe amnesia, forget the stupid little things"

I put my phone away and looked at Niall. Who looked awe struck. I've only seen him look like that one other time and that was when he walked in the living room and heard Haz, Liam, and I singing for the first time. He must think her voice is somthing special. I mean she has a beautiful voice. She has talent. But she won't admit it. And her drawings are amazing. With a voice like hers and with her art talent she could go far.

And I am determined to help her. No matter the cost. She deserves more than the life she's had these past few years. And I have the perfect plan to do just that.

****Ocean's POV****

I walked into Louis's room and saw Harry laying on the bed. He looked so unlike himself just laying there. He looked pale and his hair wasn't as.......poofy, yeah that sounds right.

"Hazza?" I asked quietly.

He looked over at me and I noticed his eyes weren't as bright green as normal, "Ocean, Louis sent you in here didn't he?"

"Yes, he asked me. But, Harry, you need to go. We're all worried about you."

"Listen, I'm not going. There's nothing you can say to change that."

"Harry, please." I was begging. He needed to go incase this was something serious.

"Ocean, I don't need to go."

"This could be something really serious."

At this he looked away, tears forming in his eyes. He looked like he just lost everything that meant something to him.

"Listen Ocean, I know what it is already. I don't need some doctor telling me what it is okay?" His voice breaking throughout the whole thing.

The way he said it had me scared. "W-what do you mean?"

"I know what this is. I know why I collasped. I know already okay," he just looked so sad. It was heartbreaking really.

"I've never told any one so why would I tell you?"

"Because Harry, I can't stand to see you like this. Holding something in that is killing you inside to tell somebody. I can help you, Harry.''

"But why? I've lied to you, ruined the trust you were begining to have with me." He sounded so broken.

"Harry, listen, I forgive you. I do. Now, please, tell whats wrong with you. Please, Hazza?" I really did forgive him, I just wished he would've told me.

"I don't know, I-" He started to cough uncontrollably. I watched as he coughed and coughed. I felt so helpless. I couldn't do anything to make it stop. When he was finally done he looked up at me and he had tears running down his face. "Harry," I whispered, "Are you okay?

"No," he said barely above a whisper. "I have stage two lung cancer.''

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