Chapter 27

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***Niall's POV***

It's been three months since Ocean was taken by Zayn. Three months since her last phone call. We've all been going crazy trying to figure out a way to find her. I know I promised her we wouldn't but we had to. Now, I know we only knew her for that short amount of time, but it's she was suppose to be here with us. Like, it was kind of fate that brought all of us and her together. Cheesy as it sounds, it's how we all feel. We all miss her like crazy, I think Haz is the worst, besides me. When we told him what happened he completely fell apart. He felt like it was his fault, even though he wasn't there. In reality, it was my fault. I could've stopped him from coming in the house, but all I did was stand like a retarded sea monkey.

"Niall, come on." I heard someone come up  behind me and say this. I jumped about six feet out of my chair.

"What the hell, Liam? You scared the fuck out of me."

"Sorry, man, but we gotta get going."

"To where?"

"We have a gig tonight? At the park?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Oh yeah, they wanted us to do covers of songs right?"

"Yeah that's the one. Now come on, get dressed and ready we leave in two hours." I sighed and got up. I went to my room and got a pair of jeans and my crazy mofos shirt. I went and got in the shower because why not? One can never be to clean. I got out and blow dryed my hair and swept it up. I got dressed, put on deodorant and cologne. I looked in the mirror to see if I looked okay, what? Don't judge meI like to look good like a girl too. My hair was lookin' rough in the back so I grabbed a snapback and put it on.I grabbed my ray bans and as I looked down I saw a bracelet. It was Ocean's. She always wore it, but took it off when she took a shower or went to bed.The day Zayn came she must've forgotten to put it on, because Nadia had taken it off for her. I was in her room one day looking for something a couple months ago, when I saw it. I wore it everyday, because I didn't want it to get lost or break. I slid it over my hand and stood there for a second. I knew what had happened to Ocean over the years, how she didn't really trust anyone, but it felt like she trusted us. I can just hope that wherever she is, she's okay.

"Niall! Come we're leaving early to go get food!" Zayn yelled. I ran to them and they all laughed. I shrugged and led the way out to the cars.

We got to the park a half an hour early and there were already a ton of people there. We got to work setting up our equipment on the stage. It didn't take long to get everything set up so we had about twenty minutes to waste before we actually got up on stage. I remember our first gig. I was so nervous that we would mess up. And on top of it we were all upset because it was the day after Ocean left. But, we nailed it. The crowd cheered and cheered. I quieted the crowd down and got out my phone and found the video of Ocean singing in the car. I hooked up my phone to the speakers and played it. After it was over I told them who it was and that she was sorry she couldn't make it.

I shook off the memory and got focused on tonight, if we were good enough we got 1,000 bucks each. Not that we need the money, but we were going to donate it.

"Niall! We're on! Let's go!" Louis yelled.

After we were done, a few people came up and asked for pictures and to tell us we were amazing. We thanked them and smiled for pictures. One lady, very pretty girl, said, "One day you'll make it, You'll be big stars. You all have real talent, truly, and if you would be so kind I'd like one of you to do a song a capella for me. I'm doing an interview tomorrow over who I think is going to the next big thing. If not I understand."

"Oh, no we'd more than happy to. Harold, do your song," Louis told his boyfriend. The expiremental medicine they had him on really helped him. Along with the chemo and he had a surgery, he was officially cancer free for a month and a half.

"Okay," he shrugged. "Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious? Less than one minute old, I never thought through love we'd be making one as lovely as she. But, isn't she lovely made from love."He sang after she got her phone out to record it.

"Beautiful, really. Thank you so much. I wish you all the best of luck."

"Thank you, love." We all said together. She hugged all of us and left with a smile on her face.

On the way home we stopped at Wal-Mart because it was Liam and Nadia's two year anniversary and he wanted to get her something. I think he was planning to propose to her soon, if not then he was crazy. They had been together for a long time, and on more than one occasion Nadia had told me that she wanted to spend her life with him. And he's told me the same thing. They do love eachother and if he doesn't marry her  I will cry for her. She's been waiting for months for him to.

In the store we helped him pick out a necklace and bracelet, he got her a new phone and headphones, and ,because we convinced him to, matching footie pajamas. He got a bag to put it all in, and that she could use for other things, like going to school, since she was still in college. He payed for and we dropped him off at her apartment. We didn't stick around to see, or hear, what was gonna happen.

We got home and I went straight to my room, I didn't want to stay and talk to the cute, in love, couple. Being around them made me miss Ocean even more. It's crazy to miss her this much I know. But I just want to talk to her all day long. See that beautiful smile she had. Watch her bite her lip when she got nervous.

Wherever she is, she better be okay.

***Ocean's POV***

"Let me out!" I yelled as they locked me in the dark room. I heard a noise behind me and turned around. There was just enough light in the room for me to see Harry's brother behind me. "Please," I whispered. "Just leave me alone today."

"Oh, baby, not gonna happen," and I heard his pants fall to the ground.

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