chapter 15

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***Ocean's POV***

Dinner with Louis was pretty great. He's so funny and he's got quite the personality. He told me stories about how he, and the other boys, used to do all this stupid shit. He told me about they alomst got arrested one multiple occassions. All in all, I think me and Louis can be really great friends.

He took me to this fancehh restaurant about an hour and a half away from town. I had never heard of it before tonight, so I was kind of skeptical about it. And about expensive it was, I didn't want Louis to spend a lot of money tonight. We walked in, well actually, he dragged me in there. He opened my door and unbuckled me, even though I protested, then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car and pulled me along. He only stopped dragging me right before we got in the place. Instead, he put his arm around my shoulders. When we got in we were seated right away, which was kind of surprising since there was about three couples, at least I was assuming they were couples,  ahead of us. Even though this was question worthy in my head, I kept it to myself.

To my surprise Louis was a gentleman. He pulled out my chair and pushed it back in before he sat down himself. While we were waiting for the waitress to come over, we made small talk.

"So, Ocean, why don't we play 20 questions?" Louis asked me.

"Umm, okay? I guess," I said kind of scared as to why he wanted to play this game.

"I'll go first. What's your favorite color?"

"Blue or green. Favorite band?"

"5 seconds of summer, at the moment. Whose your favorite person?"

"I don't have one. What's your favorite tattoo?" It amazes me that him and Harry have so many tattoos. But then again, so does Zayn.

"What do you mean you don't have a favorite person? And I love all my tattoos, so i don't have a favorite."

"Exactly what i said. I dont have a favorite person. How did you meet the boys?"

"I met them at a concert at the park in our old town. It was for a new band that was tryna get attention. Any way, I was dating this girl who had these two best friends. They did everything together. Well they were dating Harry and Liam at the time, but I hadn't met them since they were always busy or somewhere with their girlfriends. But, Carter, my girlfriend decided we'd all hang out and get to know eachother at this concert. So me and Carter met up with her best friends, Karson and  Winter. Then we went to the park and found Haz and Li. They had brought Niall with them. We all hung out for a little bit and then the girls decided to go find one their other friends and left us. It was kind awkward at first, but they turned out to be really fun and great guys. How did you meet Zayn?"

I was about to answer, but then the waitress came over. She took our order. Well actually Louis ordered for me since he told me he knew what him and I both wanted.  She told us that our food would be ready in about 20 minutes. After that we just talked about how Niall says that I can sing, and I say I can't, and about how I learned to draw. He was amazed that I basically taught myself, besides some art classes I had started taking. They were twice a month, so it wasn't that often. He wanted to know if I could draw him something. I, of course, agreed since who could say no to him?

The food came in 15 minutes and smelled so good. It looked amazing, too . The last time I had been to a restaurant was years ago, so this was all pretty amazing. We ate and talked and laughed and had a great time. We get along well, if I do say so myself. By the end of the night I had learbed almost everything about him. He was such an open person.

We when had finished Louis got up to pay and I followed since, you know, we were leaving any way. He told the person at the front desk (I told you it was fancy) his name and after a few seconds of the man looking at a computer screen, he told Louis the total.

"55 dollars and 17 cents," he said. And my jaw dropped. That much money for two people?!?!! That's insane. Holy crap. I felt bad about how much money he was spending, until he opened his wallet. He had f rom 100 dollar bills to sinlges. What was with these boys and having all this money?!

On the way home Louis told me to drive since Niall had called him. He was on the phone with him for a short period of time but I knew they were talking about food. And I was right when Louis told me to pull into Taco Bell. I ordered whatever I saw first and pulled up and once again he paid. We stopped at three other fast food places because he said Niall would want more than just the Taco bell.

We came to the conclusion that I drive faster than Louis, by a lot. It only took me half an hour to get back, even with the stops.

"Holy shit, Ocean." He practically yelled when i pulled in the drive way.


"You drive too fast. I thought we were gonna die!!!!"

"Oh, calm down. You're such a baby." I went to get out of the car but his voice stopped me.

"Um, Ocean?"


"You really can sing," he said as he looked out the window.

"You've never heard me so how could you know?" I asked confused.

"You may not realize it, but you sing when ever you know a song. You have a beautiful voice." He looked at me and looked away.

"Yeah, okay." I said getting out of the car  and going inside. When I got in the house I went straight to the bathroom, because I really had to pee. When I was done I went out to sit on the chair across from the boys. I was drifting off into my own little world, until Louis yelling at the top of his lungs.


"Hey, Lou, calm down. He'll be back and it'll be okay," Niall was trying to calm him down.


"Louis, it'll be okay.''

"NO. It won't," he said coldly and he walked into his room and slammed his door. Seconds later i heard music. It was a soft song but it was at a very loud volume, as if he turned it up all the way. Which he probably did. It was a song i knew by heart. I knew the lyrics like I knew my shoe size.

 "guess its true im not good at a one night stand, but i still need love 'cuz im just a man. these nights never seem to go to plan, i dont want you to leave will you hold my hand?...."

I was singing softly to myself when I realized Niall was still in the room, so I stopped.

After that it was pretty quiet, until Niall put in a movie. I had no clue what movie it was so about half way through i asked Niall where all my bags were, since they seemed to have disappeared from the house.

"Oh, they're in your room."

"Um, what?" I asked, highly confused.

"I gave you my room and moved to the basement," he said like it was obvious.

"But why?

"Well you need somewhere to sleep and the basement has extra shit down there for a room."

"So I should've taken the basement."

"No, I'll take the basement. I already moved all my stuff down there."

"Oh, well thank you Niall. I appreciate it," I didn't want to fight over this, knowing I'd probably lose anyway.

"You're welcome," he smiled at me. His smile is truely breahte taking.

I was about to say something else but just then Harry walked. He had tears in his eyes and he looked upset.

"Where's Louis?" He asked softly, his voice cracking. He looked at me through teary eyes and collasped on the floor. As he did this Louis walked of his room to see the whole thing happen.

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