chapter 14

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***nialls POV***

When Ocean and Lou left i looked and Liam. He was watching out the window, looking at her.

"Umm, Liam??"

"Y-yeah," he said startled. He looked at me away from the window. 

"We have to figure out how to get Ocean to sing with us."

"I don't know, Ni. We've never heard her sing before. How do we know she's add good as you say?"

"You will soon." i said smirking.

"What are you gonna do?“ he asked worried.

"She always sings in the car with me and next time I'm gonna record her."

"No thats not creepy at all, Niall."

"Well what do you suggest? she's not gonna sing for you guys."

"I dont know, but maybe we'll get her to sing."

At this i snorted, "Yeah okay."

"Well i gotta go. Nadia is waiting for me to pick her up."

"Where you takin her?" I asked.

"To see this musical i got her tickets for her birthday." The way his eyes light up when he's talking about her honestly makes me jealous.

"Man, have fun. Don't be out too late now." I joked with him.

As soon as i was alone i went up to my room and cleared out half of my drawers. I also cleaned up the room since it was a mess. What do you have expect? Im a guy that lives with other guys. Of course its a mess. I went and got most of Ocean's bags and took them up to my room. I figured she needed somewhere to sleep and the only other space is the basement. But I'd rather get sleep in my room and I take the basement than her. After thinking for a minute I took the rest of my clothes out of the drawers. I went down to the basement, where we had an extra bed and dresser for real reasons we don't know. I put my clothes away and went and got the rest of my things from the room and took them siren as well.

All of this took about an hour and a half, so Ocean and Louis should be back soon. As i thought this, a drunk Harry and some girl walked in the house.

"Oh, heyyyyyy Niallllllleerrrr," Harry said and the girl he brought in giggled.

"Um, hey Hazza. Whose she?"

"Oh!!.This, my Irish friend, is Devynn Ashton Carter." He says making this big gesture with his hands towards her. She giggled again and waved at me.

"um, hi Devynn. Im Niall."

"Yeah, yeah enough with the introductions. We came to take you out."


"But whyyyyy?" Devynn whined.

"Yeah Ni. Why not?"

"I don't want to Harry. I want to stay here." I said kind of angry might i add.

"Okay, okay. Stay here and be alone." Harry says walking out of the house with Devynn.

I sighed and my phone went off in my pocket. It was a text from Louis saying they were on their way back and asked if i wanted them to bring back anything for me. Instead of texting i called Louis.

He answered and I could here him tell Ocean to drive and then i heard keys jingle.

"Yes, Niall?"

"Well yes i do want you to bring me back something." I said like he should know this.

"Okay what do you want?"

"I want taco bell and McDonald's"

"Is that it?"

"Yeah, for now."

Louis laughed and i heard hin tell Ocean to go to taco bell.

"We'll bring your food back" and he hung up. Without saying good bye. Oh well. He'll hear about it when he gets home. Until then I'll just play dont tap the white tile.

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