author's note

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Okay this isn't an update, but I'm working on it, in about maybe halfish through it. But i wanted to write a little thing so here it goes:

I kissed her scarred skin. Every single scar she had on her body, from top bottom. As i looked at her face, as beautiful as the day i first saw her, when she wasnt tortured on the inside. When she didn't have to pretend to be okay for every one. When she was so confident, you.could feel it when she walked in the room. And as i looked at her face i remembered every thing we had been through, all the happiness and laughs, then the laughter became less and less as the days went. I remember all the tears she'd cried on my shoulders. I remembered the first time i had seen her scars. And even with them she was the most beautiful girl in the entire world. I let the tears roll down my cheeks. And i yelled "how could you be so cruel, God! How could you do this to me!" I didn't expect an answer, but I found myself angry at the absence of one. I kicked and punched the walls. Broke every thing but her picture. I went back to her, and I kissed her soft lips, still warm, and whispered, "baby, goodnight." And the tears flowed harder down my face as i took the pills from the bottle and placed them in my hands. I swallowed them all and as the minutes ticked by, i felt myself start to slip into the darkness, i laid down next to her and wrapped her in my arms. "I promised I'd never leave you." And i was gone.

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