chapter 8

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I dreamed that I was with my dad. Well it wasn't a dream so much as a memory of the last night I was  with him. We were coming back from the mall, where he has taken me as a late birthday shopping spree. He bought everything that I showed interest in, even though I argued about with about it. In my mind he was spending money on me that I didn't deserve. But in his mind his little girl deserved everything he could give her. We stopped to get some gas and something to drink because my dad "gonna die of thirst right then and there if we didn't and I woulda had to resistate him." That man was weird sometimes. Lemme tell yahh. So we both got a blueraspberrie slushy mixed with mountain dew. That shit was amazing. We got back in the car when his phone rang. He answered it and paled right away. He talked for just a few seconds before he hung up and said we had to take a detour on he way home. I knew in my mind what was going to happen, but I just couldn't wake up. The rest of the dream was a blur and the next thing I remember is screaming, watching my dad die right in front of me. There was nothing I could, no one I could call for help, the police had already been called by a stranger on the street. I knew this was the end of most of what I could remember that night, but I couldn't get out if the dream, couldn't wake up.

The next thing I know, I was being shaken awake with voices calling my name. I opened my teary eyes, as I had been crying in my sleep, to see four faces looking at me with concerned expressions.

"Ocean, are you okay?" Liam asked me.

I didn't trust my voice just yet so I just shook my head no. Before I could register what was happening I was being lifted off the bed and carried down the stairs to the living room and set down on the couch. By the time I realized where I was the rest of the boys had already come down and were sitting around me. Man I really need to focus on what's happening before I get killed or somthing, I thought to myself, as I looked at the boys looking at me.

"What happened?" Niall asked, sleep still evident in his voice. Not to sound like I was crushing on him, but damn his voice was sexy when he just wakes up.

Instead of saying anything that I just thought, I whispered, "Nightmare." Just thinking about it brought tears back to my eyes. I blinked them away before they could see me cry again.

"Do you wanna talk about it, carrot princess," Louis asked.

"Not the for nicknames Boobear," Harry said, looking at him, giving him a look.

"Okay, okay. Sorry Hazza.......and Ocean," Louis said, looking down.

"It's okay Louis. I kinda like," I said softly with a smile.

"Oh no no no, Ocean. No changing the subject. We need to know what's wrong," Niall said.

"What time is it?" I asked, this making the boys look at me like I was crazy.

"Ummm, 3:45 in the morning. Why?" Liam answered me.

"Oh fuckkk!! I have to get ready work!! I knew I shouldn't have gone to bed so late. I must've missed my alarm!!!" I yelled, trying to run to my bag that was by the front door. As I said that I missed my alarm Harry looked down, kinda ashamed. The others must have noticed as well.

"What did you do Haz?" Liam questioned him.

"Me?? Uhh nothing. I didn't do anything," he said, obviously lying.

"Harry? What did you do?" I asked gently.

"Umm I may have turned off  your alarm because I knew you were tired and that you needed sleep."

"Oh HARRY!!" Liam yelled. "How could you do that?! She has to work!! You can't just turn her alarm off!!" He was still ranting when I interrupted him.

"It's fine there's nothing you can do about it now. I have to get ready or I'll be late," I said, shocking everyone.

"Okay," Niall said. "Go shower and I'll get your bag and leave it by the door," he said leading me to the bathroom.

I showered quickly, washing and conditioning my hair. I couldn't shave because they didn't have any razors that looked safe to  use. I washed my body and got out. I dried off and opened the bathroom door slowly, looking to make sure none of the boys were around to see me. At my feet was my bag, as promised. I took it and closed the bathroom door.

When I was packing my clothes earlier I hadn't even looked to see what I was throwing in the bag. I pulled out a pair of dark wash skinny jeans with holes in the knees from all the work I had done in them. Then I pulled out under-ware and  a bra, always necessities. Next came a shirt from the last day I saw my dad. It was black and off the shoulder. The front of it said "I live for me, not you" in gold, cursive writing. It still fit because my I hadn't gained, or lost, any weight. My body hadn't really changed since then. I then pulled out my pair of work boots that, surprisingly enough, went well with most of my outfits that I had. I got dressed and dried my hair with one of the manyhair dryers they had in their bathroom. I threw my hair in a messy bun and went without make up because, being in a rush, I left it at the house.

I went out to the living room, where the boys were, leaving my bag in the bathroom. I figured it could wait until later when I get my lunch break.

"Well, I'll see you guys later," I said, not bothering to come completely in because I was leaving.

"WOAHHH!! WHERE YAHH GOIN' CARROT PRINCESS," Louis yelled, jumping off the couch and running at me, hugging me tightly.

"Ummm work," I said questioningly, because I wasn't sure how to respond to his behavior.

"WHAT?? YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!! ME AND YOU WERE GONNA BE BEST FRIENDS!!" he yelled, fake crying into my shoulder.

Harry chose this time to come and take Louis off my shoulder. And instead of fake crying into me he fake cried into Harry.

"I'm sure she'll be back sometime, Boobear," Harry said, rubbing Louis's back, soothingly.

"She will,'' he asked looking up at Harry like a little kid.

The rest of the boys looked at me.

"Ummmmm I don't know.I have to work all day and the rest of the week too," I said, not sure if I would be back, and not just to get my bag. "I'll be back to get my bag later, on my lunch break"

"How are you getting to work," Niall asked me.

"I'm gonna go get my car and drive," I said this like it was obvious.

"Can I drive you. And I'l pick you up at lunch?"

"Umm I don't know"

"What if Niall drives you to work and I'll pick you uo at lunch and we'l get something and come back here?'' Liam asked, speaking for the first time since this conversation started.

By now I could see that they weren't going to give up until I caved, and I couldn't really waste anymore time talking if I was going to be on time for work.

I caved and sighed heavily, "Okay. I'l call you on my break."

They all cheered and jumped up and down. After they calmed down Niall and I went to the car. Instead of going to Ferrari, we went to a camaro. It was new looking and  was black. And like the Ferrari, I drooled over it. Niall again explained that it was new and that the boys all got them when they moved here. This car was Liam's.

After I got done drooling over tha car we set off to my job. And lemme tell yahh, I wish I didn't have to.

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