chapter 22

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you guys know that moment when all the memories, when everything you've tried to keep out of your mind comes back, when you feel like you need to go back to your old ways? yeah, well that's happening with me and i'm sorry if it affects my writing. a friend of mine told me something very sad last night and it started me thinking about all of that shit that i worked so hard to stop and keep me not thinking about it.......sorry guys.

***Louis's POV***

He whispered, "Tomlinson, you are one crazy motherfucker to hide this from me. Do you know how long I've wanted I love you?" And as he spoke he got not even a centimeter away from my lips with his own and with me staring into his eyes he kissed me gently and my eyes closed. His lips were soft against mine, though they were cold. It lasted for a few seconds and he pulled away. "Louis, promise me something." He said.

"Anything, Hazza."

"Promise me that whatever happens to me you won't let it affect you. You'll live your life and not be sorry and sad."

"I can't promise that. I won't."

"Lou, I need you to."


"Because if I can't beat this cancer I don't want you to beat yourself up over it. You or anyone else."

"Harry," I whispered. "I can-" he didn't let me finish my sentece,

"You can and you will." His eyes that were dull only a few moments ago were now bright with this kind of fire in them that only got there when he wanted to something so bad and he was determined to get it. No matter what. So, I gave in. "O-okay, Hazza," I said.

"Thank you," he whispered. He took hold of my hand and looked up at, seeing as I was standing next to him on the bed. "Go get the others. I'm sure Ocean has already told them about everything and I bet the doctor has the order for the medication and  shit."

"Okay, I'll go get them." I walked out and went to find them. I looked left and right walking down the hall to the front lobby. I found them sitting in there talking and it looked like they were arguiing and Ocean looked pale. Man, seeing her face like that made me feel even worse about yelling at her. I don't think she'll let me apologize though, I don't think she wants to talk to me at all. If I was her I sure as hell wouldn't want to talk to me. I walked up to them and Niall was talking, "Ocean, you have to let us help you with this. You can't do it on your own."

"I've been doing it for years, I can handle whatever he does. I can't let you get yourselves into this. It's not your problem, it's mine." She argued back.

"As long as you're with us it's our problem too," Liam defended Niall.

"Then I'll leave. Consider me gone."

"Are you crazy?!" Niall half shouted.

"Are you out of your mind? We aren't letting you go anywhere. It's not happeing," Liam said with Nadia nodding in agreement.

I walked up to them and they all looked up at me and Ocean looked away as soon as she saw it was me. "Um, Harry wants you guys to come back in the room." I said awkwardly. Ocean yawned and stood up and looked at the three sttting across from her, "Come on, we'll talk about this later," she said and walked towards the room. We all followed like she was our leader, which in a way she kind of was. I looked at Niall, who looked at me with a mad expression. I'm assuming he's still mad at me for yelling at Ocean like that. My poor carrot princess. As we were going back to the room I just happened to look behind me and saw Zayn with a girl that looked vaguely familar. That must have been what they were talking about. God, that man pisses me off. Harry had a few bruises from getting in that fight with him. When we walked in the room Ocean sat next to Harry on the bed and I sat next him on the chair beside the bed. Niall stood against the wall by Ocean and Liam and Nadia sat on the floor, Nadia in Liam's lap with her head on his chest.

"So guys, what's going to happen tonight?" Niall asked.

"Um, good question, Ni." Liam said. "What are we gonna do?" And all at once we looked at Ocean, like she had all the answers. She looked tired and worn out but, she still looked like she could kick ass.

"Um, well, let's see," She said. "You guys are gonna go back home and I'll stay here with Harry." As she said this she fought a yawn.

"Why are you staying?" Niall asked.

"Because you guys need to go home and get some rest."

"You do, too." Liam argued.

"Yeah, Ocean, go home with them. I'll be fine here. You look tired any way." Harry said gently to her. She looked at him and sighed. guess she didn't want to fight with everyone around him or argue with him. "Okay, okay." She said and yawned once again. The doctor came in and looked at all of us and then at Ocean. As soon as she saw his face she got right up and walked out of the room, looking back at us. We all got the message and followed her out. She looked like she was going to pass out walking out to the cars. I went to my car and Liam and Nadia followed me and Niall followed Ocean. I drove the three of us home and went to my room and tried to sleep but couldn't so I called up an old friend. "Hello,'' they answered.

"You better tell Zayn to watch his back or it's not going to be a good thing for either of you." And I hung up. They better hope I never see Zayn again.

***Niall's POV***

After arguing with Ocean about me driving and her swearing she was okay to drive, I finally got the keys and was driving home. She fell asleep not even five minutes later. As I was driving past Wal-Mart I had an idea. I parked the car and made sure to lock the doors and went inside. It was a good thing this place was opened 24/7 because I would have been depressed if they weren't open. I went to the electronics sections and found the phones. I remember very vaguely why she never got a new phone. She didn't like Apple products for some reason so just never got a new iphone. So, knowing this I went to look for an andriod. I found one that I thought she would like and then I found a case with 5SOS on it and got that because she told me she liked them. I got her headphones to go with it and a couple more cases because I thought she would like them, too. I paid for that and on the way out of the store I walked by art supplies. I stopped there and looked at everything they had. I got a few new notebooks, a couple packs of penciils, pinpoint and regular sharpies, some pens, and other artsy stuff for her. She was going to kill me when she found out I got her this stuff, but I don't care.

When I got out to the car  she was awake and arguing on her phone with some one.

"Oh fuck," I thought and put what I had bought in the trunk and got in the driver's seat and she hung up. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and started crying. I asked her over and over again what was wrong, but she just cried harder. I was ready to cry with her. But I drove home with her bawling her eyes out. On the way home she threw her phone out the window and turned the music up as loud as it could go.

 When I pulled in the driveway I saw Gemma standing there, waiting. Ocean took one look at her and got out of the car and took off running in the opposite direction of Gemma.

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