chapter 6

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For about two hours they sat and looked at my drawings and Harry asked to keep one of a sunset I did. I was actually really surprised that they liked them. I didn't thinks they were any good but drawing was important to me so I kept at it. They kept sayin that I was amazing and I blushed and looked down a lot, I do that when the attention is on me.

"LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!!!!!! I CALL SITTING BY OCEAN AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!" Louis yelled, running over to me and grabbing my hand, dragging me over to where he was sitting.

"Hey!!!" The other three yelled, as Louis wrapped his arm around me, smirking.

"Okay, okay. Louis you can sit with her, but she sleeping in my room," Harry said.

"No!! She sleeps in  my room!!," Liam yelled.

"You don't deserve to have her sleep in your room," Harry argued back. "You stole Boobear's carrots."

"He threw a spoon at me!!!! I think I had a right to take his carrots," Liam yelled back.

"Well I wouldn't have thrown a spoon at you if you hadn't said I was childish and was too obsessed with carrots," Louis stated, looking very serious.

"Uhh, guys. I think Ocean should get to choose what she wants to do instead of having you two argue over her. And I think you might, just maybe, be freaking her out. I mean just a little," Niall said, looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Oh," Harry and Liam said at the same time.

"I guess he's right, for once," Louis said, smiling.

"So, Ocean. Where do you wanna sleep?" Harry asked, looking hopefully at me.

"Um, I don't know. How about I decide when the movies over?" I stated nervously.

"Okay,'' they all said in unison. Seriously? It's really creepy when they do that. And when they do it, their voices harmonize, creepy right?

"So whatcha wanna watch?" Niall asked everyone.

"TOY STORY!!!!," Liam yelled.

''No!! Let's watch Transformers!!," Louis yelled.

"Yeah, Transformers!!" Harry agreed with Louis.

"Why don't we let Ocean decide between the two movies," Niall asked.

"Fine,'' grumbled Liam.

"So, which movie?" Harry asked me.

To be honest I had seen Toy Story so many times since it was one of Zayn's favorite movies and he always made me watch it, and if I didn't he would yell and scream and sometimes even punch me. So I had seen it easily 100 times, probably more. Transformers, on the other hand is one of my top ten favorite movies.My dad and I used to watch it whenever I had a bad day at school, or whenever I got a good grade on a test.

"Transformers," I said easily and shrugged.

"YESSS!!" Harry and Louis yelled. Louis jumping around, ran over to Harry and hugged him.

"Fine," Liam said, looking very upset at the fact that I didn't pick his movie.

Niall, being the only one in the chaos that was their house, went over and put in the movie. As I looked over at him, I noticed they had a huge flat screen TV. I mean this thing was huge!! It probably cost half a year's salary, with the job I had. He noticed me looking at him and winked. Winked!! I was not used to any type of attention, especially not from guys. I looked down and chewed on my lip. Then Louis and Harry came over and sat on either side of me, with them putting their arms around me.

"Uhh, hey guys,'' I said nervously.

"I decided that Hazza could sit with the carrot royalty, carrot princess," Louis stated. Why he decided to call me 'carrot princess' is beyond me. I've never had a nickname, so I didn't know how to respond, instead I looked down.

"You know you do that a lot Ocean," Harry said looking at me as I looked back up.

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

"Look down a lot," Louis answered for him.

"Oh," was all I could think so say.

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. I just do," I didn't realize that I looked down so much. I didn't know what to say to explain why I did. I'm not a very outgoing or person these last few years, I guess it had something to do with my dad dying and my mom leaving.

"It's okay if you don't wanna tell us," Harry said, still looking at me.

"Yeah, but just remember if you wanna talk you can come to us. Here give me your phone and I'll put all our numbers in it," Louis said, holding his hand out for my phone, I dug it out of my pocket and handed it to him. Now I will be the first to admit that my phone is not in the greatest condition. The case is pretty much falling off and the screen is cracked beyond belief and it spazzes a lot, but its a good phone to me. "Um what happened to your phone?" Louis said, looking at my phone and taking it carefully out of my hand.

"It's taken just as many beatings as I have," I said shrugging to lesson the blow my words probably had on everyone in range of listening.

"Well, I'll have to do something about that soon," Niall said walking over to us and sitting beside Louis. He took my phone from Louis and put his number in it, seconds later his phone went off. I'm guessing he sent himself a text. Next was Louis, then Harry and last was Liam. They all sent texts to their phones so they had my number.

"Okay well enough with the phone business, play the movie slave!!!!" Louis yelled at Niall.

Soon the movie was playing and I was watching with intensity, the movie grabbing my attention from the begging. It was a great movie and anyone who disputes that should be exiled from the planet. About three-fourths of the way through everyone but Harry and I had fallen asleep. It was only like 11:30 so I don't know why they had already passed out. Louis and Niall were leaned up against each other with Louis's head on Niall's shoulder. And Liam was sprawled out across the floor. I looked over at Harry, who was looking at the movie until noticed me looking at him.

"Is something wrong," he asked looking concerned.

"No," I said looking at the sleeping boys around us. "I was just wondering where I was gonna sleep, since they seem to have taken the living room."

"Oh, well you can sleep in my room with me if you want to.''

"I don't know. What will they think of that?"

"They'll be fine. All we're gonna do is sleep."

"I don't know," I said, looking back at the movie. I was feeling tired and I had to work tomorrow, so I should have gone to bed hours ago.

"Come on, Ocean."

"I'll think about it ," I said yawning. I took out my phone to set my alarm and snuggled closer to Harry, who still had his arm around me. It must have fallen asleep being in the sames spot for all that time. About ten minutes later I felt myself start to fall asleep and I closed my eyes, laying my head back. Seconds later I felt someone pick me up and carry me somewhere, mostly likely a bedroom. They me down on what felt like a bed and I felt them lay down beside me. Their arms wrapped around me and I heard them breathing evenly.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I whispered to whoever it was.

"Your welcome," they whispered back. "Now shhhh, go to sleep. You're exhausted and you need to sleep if you have to work tomorrow."

"Okay. Good night,'' I whispered, half conscious.

"Good night Ocean," they said.

And for the first time in a long time I felt safe to fall asleep.

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