chapter 18

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I was with my girlfriend, Alyssa, when she started having these weird hot flashes and she started to get sick. So, I rushed her to the hospital to make sure she was okay. I may seem heartless, but this girl was my life. Sure, I've made mistakes, hurt her before, but she always came back. She always forgave me. I have no clue why ,so don't ask me. She is the most important thing to me right now and if something is wrong with her i don't know what I'd do.

When we got to the hospital, they got her to a room right away. I'm guessing because she didn't look quite right. She was pale and sweating and her skin was colder than usual.  They wouldn't let me go back with her, which pissed me off severely.

As I sat in the front, by the desk, I saw Harry coming, well basically being dragged, in with a girl. And the girl looked very familar. I didn't  even take me a ten seconds the see why she looked so familar. It was Ocean. The girl whose family had hidden so much from her. Who kept secrets that would destroy who she was even more  than I already had. Over the two years it had been just me and her, I had worked hard to tear her down. It wasn't my idea to do so. It hurt me to do it, but if I hadn't the consequences to me would've been so much worse than a broken spirit. Believe me I don't want to do it, but I have to.

I walked up behind her at the front desk and as soon as I spoke I knew she reconginzed me with out having to turn around like she did, "Jada," I said in a low voice.

She looked at me and the way her face completely changed from one of concern to one of panic was almost heart breaking, but over the years I've gotten used to it. She soon convered up the panicked look with one of anger and hatered. "Get the fuck away, Malik." She with venom in her voice.

"Who the fuck said you could talk to me like that, bitch?"

"I did, mother fucker. Now go the fuck away, I need to get him to a doctor." And with that she turned around and ignored me. I didn't want to cause a scene in a place like this so I left the last words to her. To give her some credit, she had become quite strong over the years. She had to be to put up with me. To her it just seemed like i hated her, it seemed that way to most of my friends, too. The truth though was, I hated the life she would've had, if her parents, well mostly her mother, had stuck around. Only I, Ocean's parents, and himknew the truth. Only we knew the tragedy that would become Ocean and any one she was close with if she ever found out. One second, one mistake, one moment would change her life forever.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a doctor coming toward me, "Are you Zayn Malik?"

"Yes, I am," I said standing up and shaking her hand.

"I'm Dr. Jamie Wolfe. I just got done examing Alyssa-"

I cut her ofF, "Is she okay?"

"Yes, yes. She's okay. But I think you need to go talk to her." I started to speak but she cut me off, "Don't question, just go. Room 5D."

I didn't say anything I just walked away toward the room. Once I got there, I took a deep breath. I composed myself and walked in.

She looked up when I walked in she looked up and had the biggest smile plastered on her face, "Hey Zayn." You could here the happy in her voice. This confused me.

"Hey, baby," I said as I walked over to her.

She hugged me as I stood next to her and said, "I have some news to tell you."

"What is it? You're okay, right?" I was kind of worried.

"Everything is fine, it's great to me actually."

"Go on." I said.

"Well, do you remember how I said I wanted to have a family someday?"

"Yeah, I remember," by now I was catching onto something.

"Well......that day is happening sooner than I thought." She looked so happy when she said that, her face lit up and you could hear her smilee.

I was happy about this even though most guys would freak out and leave, "Really? That's amazing, baby!!!"

"You think so? I was so worried you wouldn't be happy about this." She said this wth a slight frown.

"Baby girl, don't frown," I said as I placed my hands on her face and making her look me in the eyes. "I am so happy right now. I've never been more happy. I. Love. You." And with that I kissed her. making her forget about her worries and doubts.

***Ocean's POV****

 I can't believe Zayn showed up here. I mean, who does he think he is? But, I couldn't think about that now, I had to get Harry into a room and with a doctor ASAP.

I spoke with the lady at the desk and she told me that we didn't have to wait to be seen, that there was a room ready for us. A nursed showed us to the room. I made a mental note of the room number so I wouldn't forget and so I could tell the others if need be.

I sat on the bed at Harry's feet while the nurse did her nurse-y thing, going through all the normal questions and taking the temperature and his blood pressure. All that good stuff.

"Okay," the nurse said. " I'm finished here and the doctor should be in to see him within the hour. If you need at thing or have a question go to the front desk and ask for me."

"Um, one question," Harry said, raising his hand like a child.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"What's your name, so you know, we can ask for you?'' He put his arm down.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. My bad," she giggled at this, and lemme tell you, it was cute. Like a little kids. "My name is Winter Summers. And yes I realize how contradictory my name is."

"Okay, " I said. "If we need anything I'll find you." Harry nodded his head in agreement.

"Be sure you do," she said as she left the room.

I looked over at Haz and he looked completely exhausted. I was too, but he was my main worry right now. "Haz, why don't you close your eyes for a litle bit."

He tried to protest, but his eyes were closing as he went to speak, so instead he nodded his head and closed them. He layed his head back and then lifted it back up and looked at me. "Come lay with me for a minute"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please," he said with a pout on his face.

I couldn't protest to that so I just moved up to lay next to him and he laid his head on my shoulder and draped his arm over my waist. It wasn't even five minutes later he was passed out and snoring slightly. I looked down at him and he looked so cute and innocent right then. I could see the dark circles under his eyes and the tiredness his face carried, but he still looked handsome as hell.

I wish I could trade places with him. I wish it was me, not him. But he'll get better.

At least I hope.

okay so this chapter kind of sucked, but i wrote this at least twelve times and this is the best one. i hope you guys dont hate it. ughh sorry it fuckin' sucks.

but as always, love you guyssssss <3

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