chapter 11

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Why Niall wanted to know about my past or why I chose to tell him. Here I was, used to being alone and having no one and not used to trusting people, telling someone I met just yesterday about my fucked up past. There was just something about him, and all the boys really, that made me feel safer and more comfortable than I had in years. I don't know why, but telling Niall made me feel better. To me he seemed like someone who wouldn't judge me for things that had happened and why I was the way I was. I was lost in thought, when he started talking again, "Ocean?"

"Yes, Niall?"

"Are you okay? I mean about what happened earlier? You never went and cleaned up the blood on you."

I hadn't even remembered I was bleeding. The blood was dried now and I probably looked like hell, but no one was around to see me. "Oh, uh yeah. I'm fine. Its just been a long day."

"It's only like 10:30 in the morning. How has it been a long day already?" He must have forgotten my day started at 4:30 this morning.

"I think you forgot that I had to get up and go to work earlier. I've been up for probably as long as you've been asleep," I explained to him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Why did you leave work early?"

"I'd rather not talk about it right now.''

"Okay, well just tell me when you're ready."

I didn't respond, instead my stomach growled.

"Oh hell, you must be hungry. I know I'm starving and I ate something after you left for work," Niall said, and to prove his point, his stomach growled. "Shoosh, baby. Your food is right here," he whispered to it as he picked the bag up off the ground. He got out three burritos and two sanwiches and set them in front of me. And the rest of the food he sat down in front of himself.

"Umm, Niall? You really don't expect me to eat all of this do you?" I asked, because that was a lot of food for me to eat. Considering that I had been eating a pack of Ramen noodles a day, and that was all for the day.

"Why yes, yes I do," he said matter-of-factly.

"Well when I don't eat all this, don't blame me."

"Whatever, shut up and eat your food."

"Yes sir, Mr. Bossman, sir." I said and saluted him.

He didn't respond as he shoved half of the burrito he was holding in his mouth. I sighed and started to eat my food.

As it turns out, I didn't eat all the food he gave me. I didn't even eat half of it before I got full. Niall just looked me like I was crazy when I said I couldn't eat any more. I just put the rest of it in the bag

We talked for a little while longer and decided it was time to go home. I had him go to the car while I stayed for a minute longer. When he got in the car, I turned and walked towards the little pond that was in the park. I sat down on the edge and started to talk, "Mom, I know what I said when I last saw you was mean and hurtful, but I take it back. Every word I said, I take it back. I miss you and I want you to come home. You don't know what I've been through and I need you here. I'm sorry for what I said, can you just come home?"

I got up and walked away to the car. As I was walking back I noticed Niall wasn't in the car. I looked around and I saw he was standing by the pond, where I was just at.

"Niall?" I asked him, not sure why he was standing there. He walked towards me with his head down. When he got next to me I started walking again. We got to the car and he just looked out the window. It was like this for a good five minutes before I got the nerve to talk to him.

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