Author's note

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hey guys so that last chapter was super long compared to my normal chapters. I hope you guys liked it, but any way here's another little imagine thingy or what ever you want to call it:

Dear daddy,         It's been a year daddy, and I miss you so much. Mommy says you're in a safe place called heaven. Daddy, can you see me? Can you hear me? I miss you daddy. I hope you're safe. I love you daddy.

Dear daddy,        It's been five years daddy. I'm the fifth grade now. I like computers, but math is hard. I'm trying so hard not to cry daddy. Can you see me? Can you hear me daddy? Mom let's me sleep in one of your shirts, I think it still smells like you. Daddy I miss you so much. I'll see you again one day. Daddy, I love you.

Dear daddy,        It's been ten years daddy. I'm in highschool now. I play soccer. Can you see me on the field? I've started thinking about college. Do you think I can do it daddy? Go to college? Can you hear me when I pray for you? Can you see me when I'm strong? Do you miss me like I miss you? I miss you daddy. I love you.

Dear daddy,        It's been fifteen years daddy. I'm getting married soon. I know you'll be with me as I walk down the isle. I know you'll see me in my dress as I say my vows and get that ring placed on my finger. Jesus, daddy, I miss you so much. Can you hear me when I talk to you? Can you see mom when she cries for you? Do you hear her when she calls your name at night? Do you miss us as much as we miss you? Do you think about us too? I love you daddy, we'll meet again someday.

Dear daddy.        It's be twenty  five years daddy, I'm grown and have kids. I pray for you to watch over us as we go on about our lives. I tell them about you all the time. You're my hero daddy. You always have been and always will be. I can't help but cry for you at times. Is mom with you now? Did she find you again? Is she finally happy again? I miss you both and think of you every night when i go to sleep and every morning when I wake up. The kids ask me if they'll ever meet you and I tell them that eventually one day they will. I love you daddy. Keep mom safe for me until we see each other again.

Now on her death bed as she lays there, with her kids and grandkids around, her husband of many years standing all around her, she looks at them all. She says to tell, "Don't cry for me. I'll be okay and I'll see you again someday." And with the tears streaming down all their faces, except for hers, they hug her and tell her how much they love her. She looks towards the sky and whispers, "Daddy, I'm on my way." And as she takes her last breath, she smiles and closes her eyes and then she's gone. She finally gets to see her hero again and that's all she ever wanted.

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