chapter 3

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Why did Niall have to choose today to run into me? Why did I have to invite him in? Why did Zayn have to be here? All these thoughts and more were running through my head as Niall and I stepped into the livingroom. I was embarassed that Niall had to be while Zayn and his friends were here.

"Well, well, well, Jada has a boy with her. That's a first since everyone found out she was a whore," Zayn said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not a whore and you know it, Malik. You started that rumor when I turned you down the first time," I said with venom in my voice.

"Jada, you're this close to me beating you in front your friend here," he said gesturing to Niall, who stood there looking scared and surprised at our inteaction with eachother.

"Stop it, Zayn. I'm not staying here tonight so I came to shower and get clothes for tomorrow and to tell you that you have to cook for yourself for once," I said turning around and walking away. "Come on, Niall, you can wait in my room while I take a shower." I grabbed his hand and drug him upstairs to my room. The good thing about this house was that I had a bathroom connected to my room, so I wouldn't techniqually be leaving Niall by himself. "You can watch TV or something while you wait, I won't be long."

"Okay," he said looking down.

"Look I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm not used to having people other than Zayn and his friends around to see us argue. I really am sorry. It happens all the time," I said looking at him sitting on my bed. I suddenly got an urge and took his chin in my hand, makig him look at me. "I'm so sorry Niall."

"No, I'm sorry you have to live with him. You can stay with me and the boys tonight if you want to," he said lookng sad for me.

"No, it's okay. I'm just gonna stay in my car like the other times," I said I was walking to the bathroom. Before he could reply I closed the bathroom door and turned the shower on. I let the hot water run down me as I tried to hold in the sobs that were threatening to come pouring down. I washed and conditioned my hair successfully without crying, but as I was washing my body a tear slipped out and just like that I was crying. I finished showering and dried myself off, looking the mirror when I was done. I looked horrible. My eyes were red and puffy and the little make up I had was running. I blowed dried my hair in hopes that when I was done I looked better, and I did look somewhat better. I got dressed in some shorts and an off-the-shoulder shirt and put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my glasses. I walked out to find Niall laying down on my bed looking at a notebook that had a bunch of random drawings in it. He looked up when he heard the door open and was about to say something, but I cut him off, "Are you ready?"

"Y-yeah, I mean yeah, let's go," he said stuttering slightly. "Can I take this with me to show the boys and finish looking at it?" 

"Yeah, you can keep it if you want. I have more."

"Really? I'd love to keep it. Ooohhh can you bring your other drawings, too?" He asked very bubble-y.

"Yeah, I'll grab 'em," I said as I walked over to the stack of twenty-some odd I had, all filled with random drawings and doodles. I grabbed them and shoved them in my "I Want More Pink" bag, along with some random articles of clothing because I really wasn't staying at the house tonight. No matter what. "Alright let's go," I said grabbing his hand and dragging him down the stairs and out the door, leaving Zayn behind yelling and swearing at me like no tomorrow. "Just ignore him," I told Niall. Just as I was about to get in the car Zayn came running out of the house and grabbed me, pulling me away. He turned me around, making me face him, "Where the fuck do you think you're going, Jada?" He asked, venom in his voice. His eyes were so cold that I, for once, was scared of what he would. But I didn't show him that.

"Obviously I'm not staying here tonight and there's nothing you can do about it," I said, making my voice filled with vemon, as I basically spat my words in his face. He didn't respond, instead he punched me in the face, but I didn't move and inch. I stayed there and looked right in his eyes hoping, he knew I wasn't playing tongight. He saw that I didn't back down and go back inside puched me in my stomach so hard I'm sure he almost cracked a rib. He went to hit me again, but he was thrown across the driveway as a fist caught him off guard. "Get in the car, Ocean," Niall said as he basically threw me in the car and he drove around the block, because his house faced away from ours, but it was literally right by ours. He parked in the driveway, got out and came to open the door for me. I got out and he grabbed my bag from the back seat. He led me into the house. As I walked in, I heard an arguement.




As this was going on Niall and I walked to the kitchen, and leaned against the doorway, calmly if I might add. "Hello boys, what's going on here??" The one that had been running away with the carrots stopped and looked quite scared and the one who had been running towards the carrots had stopped mid-jump and fell to the floor and I'm assuming the one who had yelled stared at Niall with his mouth wide open. He was the first to speak, "H-hey Nialler, you didn't happen to hear that did you?"

"Oh, you mean that Liam took carrots and Louis threw a spoon and you saying I was going to kill you? And you all yelling like banshees? Yeah I heard it," he replied calmly, too calm.

"HE'S ON TO US HAZZA!!" The who I'm assuming is Louis said, well more like quietly yelled as he ran to "Hazza" and embraced him in a hug.

"Shhh Louis, boobear, its okay," he said, while patting Louis's back.

"Nialler," who I'm sure is Liam said, "It wasn't my fault!! Louis threwa spoon at me!! TWICE!! I could just let him get away it!!"

"So you decide to take his carrots? What were you thinking? You know he gets rather crazy about them. And Louis, how could you throw a spoon at him? And twice at that? You know his thing about spoons," he lectured, sounding like the leader of the group.

They didn't say anything, instead they looked rather embarrassed. Then the one with curly hair and bright green eyes looked at me standing half-way hidden behind Niall.

"Uhh Niall?? Whose that standing behind you?" He asked, sounding really confused. The other two looked my way with the same expressions, confussion written across their faces.

 Me deciding to be a little weird, I feel like I'm entitle to seeing as how I just got puched twice by a very strong man, waved and said, "Hey, how yahh doin'?" with the, probably a really strange expression on my face.

They just stared with their mouths open and still really confused expressions on their faces. I to giggle at this, which made them look even more confused than before.

"Uhh again, who are you?" 'Hazza' asked.

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