chapter 30

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I instantly moved in front of the boys, as did Nadia. We jumped in front of them in .000034 seconds flat. I braced for impact but it never came. I had squeezed my eyes shut when I moved in front of the boys, though I didn't realize it. I opened my eyes slowly to see Harry's brother on the ground, blood pooling around him as he held his leg. I looked up and saw where the gun shot came from.

"What the fuck Kaiver?!" He yelled. "Are you fucking serious. I leave for like two and a half months you let all hell break loose at the house and have failed to explain a god damned thing to Ocean!" He was screaming at this point. He raised a fist and went after Zayn, punching him the face.

"What the fuck, Dallas? That shit hurt!" Zayn yelled.

When Dallas answered his voice was low and deadly, like nothing I'd ever heard before, "Get out of this house. Now." And Zayn just sat there, holding his leg. "I said get out!" He yelled in Zayn's face. Dallas pulled Zayn up and literally threw him out the front door. "Go back the the house and get your shit together. I've already to talk the boss about this and he demands you go to Taylorville immediately so he can deal with you." Zayn went to say something, but Dallas cut him off with a look that could make the devil cower in the corner for days. I watched Zayn walk away, limp actually, and get in his car and drive away. Dallas turned to me and his expression soften, "Ocean, I am so sorry for everything that you had to go through. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he asked with concern.

"I'm fine, thank you though," I said looking down.

"The hell she is!" Winter said loudly. "Look at her side Dal. I think she has two broke ribs, or fractured atleast." Everyone looked at me and Dallas shook his head.

"Come here, Ocean. Let me see."  Recluctantly I pulled my shirt up to show my side. Everyone hissed at the sight of it, well everyone but Winter.

"Fuck, come here." I walked over to him and he knelt down, he placed his hands on both sides of me and I instantly flinched at his touch, "Sorry," he whispered. "How long have you had this injury?" He asked.

"Umm, a week?" I said unsure.

He shook his head and said, "You already know this is going to hurt, so brace yourself." I did as he said and he pushed down in different spots and each time I flinched and whimpered. I was able to keep the tears in this time, just barely but I manged to. Until he hit a center spot and my entire body was on fire again, I yelled out in pain and he pushed even more and the tears broke free. "Jesus, you have broken ribs and from what I can feel a few fractured ones. We need to get you to the hospital."

"Okay, let's go!" Niall said really loudly.

"Not so fast, it's up to her if she wants everyone to go with her. And I have some things to explain to her." They looked at me again.

"Um, um, I'll come back later, okay?" I looked at Niall as I said this. His face fell and he nodded. I looked at Winter and Dallas and said, "Okay, let's get this over with." I walked out with them behind and Dallas walked over to his car and held the door open for me. Once we were all in, he started to drive to the hospital and I looked out the car window.

"Okay look, Ocean. There are things that Zayn and the rest of the people at the house were suppose to tell you, but clearly that didn't happen. So I need to tell you it all tonight, and it's going to be a lot to take in. I understand if you don't get it at first but, you need to hear it." I just nodded my head. I didn't know how to respond. I didn't know what to expect, for all I know Dallas could tell me that my dad was still alive or that my mom was married to a porcupine on the other side of the world. You never know what he could tell me, and I was ready to learn everything they could tell me.

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