chapter 9

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***okay so before i start this chapter i have to share this story, me adn my brother were sitting in the livingroom and he farted

Zack: oh i just farted...oh. oh no i think a turd's coming out. oh no.

and he takes off running to the bathroom holding his butt. #pricelessmomentsinlife.***

On the way to work we talked about everything. Well, except Zayn, of course. I began to wonder what he will do when I get home Will he beat me?? Rape me?? I don't know and it scares me. There's just something about him that scares me,and not just the violent tendencies he has towards me. I really hope he's not at home when I get there. Otherwise, I'm screwed.

I gave Niall directions to where I worked and he pulled into the parking lot and stared at the building in wonder. I gues he thought I was joking when I said I was a laborer

"You work here?? At a labor house? What's wrong with you??" he asked, sounding dumbfounded.

"Yeah I work here. Yes, at a labor house, the work isn't that bad once you get used to. It builds strength and muscle. It pays well. I need the money for rent and groceries and whatever Zayn needs it for, too." I was used to explaining why I worked here to people, so the answer came easily.

"Zayn takes your money? Doesn't he have a job of his own?''

''He has a job, but it doesn't pay as well as this one. The only money he gets is to pay his half ofthe rent and some extra. But it's never enough for what he needs it for."

"What's he need it for?"

"I don't know. He never says. He just tells me he needs money and I give to him''

"What happens if you don't?" he asked curiously.

"Let's not talk about it. I have to go or I'll be later than I already am."

"You're late? It's like 4:30 in the morning?"

"Yeah I'm late. I was suppose to be here half an hour ago. Bye, Niall,'' I said  getting out of the car, not giving him a chance to answer.

I watched him drive away. I felt kinda bad for being for being so rude to him just then. But I had to get in before I was even later.

I walked in and immediately felt something was wrong. Someone told me to go into the conference room. So I went into the room and sat down with everyone else. A few minutes later my boss walked in. He looked rather sad, and I wanted to go and make it better because I'm sure at one point and time I looked like that. He sat down and the head of the table and started to talk.

"Recently some things have come up that I can't keep from you guys anymore. There have been major budget cuts in the city and one of those cuts have been to this department. We lost a big chunk of our budget and I can't pay all of you anymore. In fact I can only pay three of you and I don't think its fair to the rest of you to have to sit back and just take the bad end. So I'm shutting this operation down. The whole department. I feel horrible doing this, but I just can't keep this up. You get your last paycheck tomorrow. You get a whole weeks pay instead of just the few days. You may leave now. I'm sorry," he said getting up and walking out to only god knows where.

The only thing I could think about was that I was losing the job that kept me fed and house to stay in. Zayn is gonna kill me when he finds out tonight when I come home.He'll probably kick me out, after he beats me. I was the last time to leave to building. I walked around trying not to cry. I got out my busted up, old phone and called Liam. He answered on the third ring.

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