Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - My Life

I opened the door of the vehicle and got out immediately the moment we pulled up. It was tiring being stuck in a plane for eight hours. The only good thing during this trip was food. I decided to stop at McDonalds in the airport before catching a taxi. I was famished and plane food wasn't very appealing to me. It was a good thing my grandma's house wasn't that far away from the airport. I was beginning to get car sick even though I was just in the car for thirty minutes.

I scanned my grandmother's cute creamy green home and smiled, remembering childhood memories here. I made a good friend here right across the street. We became very close and it sucked that we were just visiting and that we had to leave. I wonder if she still remembers me.

I was quickly snapped out from my thoughts at the sound of my bags placed beside me by the taxi driver. I paid him after thanking him and he drove away.

Slinging my backpack over my shoulders, I walked towards the front porch with my left hand carrying my duffel bag and my right hand dragging my suitcase.

Before I could knock on the door, it was abruptly pulled open by yours truly.

"Granny!" I exclaimed happily, dropping all of my things and pulling her into a hug. It felt nice.

"Oh my lovely granddaughter." She squeezed me tight. "How was your trip, dear?" She asked, pulling away from the hug, her thick American accent very apparent.

"Exhausting." I groaned.

She chortled at my state. "Come in, dear. Let me help you with that." She said as she dragged my suitcase in since it was the easiest to carry because of the wheels.

The first thing I see the moment I walked in was the back of a staircase and a small hallway. I walked further into the room and noticed a bookshelf carved into the wall that was completely filled. Next to it is about a hundred picture frames hanged on the wall and lined up next to the stairs. It looked beautiful. Most of the photos consists of family photos and childhood pictures. It was no doubt that my grandmother is a very sentimental person.

My grandmother stopped at the foot of the stairs. "I'll show you to your room." She said to me and started walking up the stairs, completely ignoring my suitcase.

I huffed at the bags that I have fo carry upstairs. "Hey, at least help me carry these up."

She stopped and eyed the heavy bags. "Nah, I'm too old." And there you go, everybody. Granny pulling the 'I'm old' card. I rolled my eyes and followed her suit.

I let out a huge breath of relief the moment I arrived upstairs. I was met with four doors, two on the right side and the other two on the left side.

Granny approached the first door on the left side and pushed the door open.

"Woah." I gasped. The room was small compared to my room back in London but, it was enough especially with the amazing delicate vintage interior.

"Do you like it? I worked extra hard on it." She smiled at me. Granny used to be an interior designer and I really admire her works.

"I love it! Thank you granny, it's absolutely wonderful." I scanned the entire room before glancing at her and giving her a huge hug.

She chuckled in delight. "Your welcome, dear." She patted my back. Pulling away, her expression suddenly changed, as if remembering something. "Oh, and I hanged a framed photo of you and your friend from across the street on your wall." She stated while approaching a cute pastel pink picture frame that consists of a red headed and brunette little girls. "I thought that you two could hit it off. Such a lovely girl. Always visiting and joining me for lunch every Saturday and Sunday. It tends to get very lonely here, you know." She smiled at me.

"She seems very kind." I said. "I didn't even remember you snapping this photo." I gazed at it with a small smile.

"I didn't. Your father did, darling." My gaze suddenly snapped to her, smiling sadly. I miss my father. I hate seeing him leave like that. It broke my heart. It broke all of our hearts.

Just last month, we received a letter from the military, stating that my father passed away. It was like a huge slap in the face. My mother was clearly pained and heart broken. I hated seeing her like that. One day, when my mum couldn't bear the pain anymore, she commited suicide by drinking bleach and I was left parentless. All my biggest fears were coming true and I hate it. I hate death.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when granny mentioned cookies. "Why don't we eat some of my famous cookies downstairs?" She suggested with a sweet smile as she turned around and left the room with me following behind her. She knows how much I love her homemade cookies.

Entering the living room and then to the kitchen, I noticed that her interior is very quirky and most of all, vintage. It certainly suited her personality. My mum always said that I got my personality from my dad's mother, which is granny. I never got to meet my grandparents on my mum's side. She said they both died in a car accident on the way to the hospital to see me when I was born. It was a mixture of a good and bad day for everyone. Two losses and a new life happening to one family.

"Here you go, love. Your favorite. Chocolate chip cookies." She beamed, placing a plate of huge chocolate chip cookies on the kitchen counter.

I took a cookie out of the plate and munched on my cookie happily. "You're the best!" I said to her woth my mouth still full to which I think sounded like 'yewr thdwa bhfhost'.

"Manners, dear." She said taking a bite out of her delicious cookies. "And yes, I am the boss." She boasted,

I swallowed my chewed up cookie part and mimic her in an American accent. "And yes, I am the boss." I rolled my eyes at her playfully. "I said you're the best." I stated.

"That's what I said." She raised her eyebrows at me innocently. "And your accent is on point. You'll fit in here just fine."

My grandmother, everyone!


A/N: Thanks for stumbling across my book!

A/N: Thanks for stumbling across my book!

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