Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Cadi

The week passed by very fast with Colton's usual obnoxiousness during Physics class. I found out that the only class I have with Colton is Physics. Thank God. I couldn't handle more of his distractions during class whenever I am trying to concentrate.

Walking out of the school with Monica and Candy by my side, the three of us headed to Monica's car since Candy and I doesn't own one. Weird fact about me though, I am into cars. I can even name all the car brands and I am always updated on new car releases. But there is one car that stood out the most to me; my dream car, a-

"Retro cadillac!" I gasped with wide eyes and stopped walking. How the hell did they manage to pay this price. It's fucking expensive. Candy and Monica stopped walking, too and eyed the beautiful piece of one of the most wonderful creation.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Monica grinned proudly.

"This is yours? Omg, I am about to ride my freaking dream car." I fake sobbed dramatically. Candy and Monica looked amused at my reaction. "This is beautiful." I said with admiration as we entered the car. The three of us sitting on the front since it has a three person front seat while I admire the cream seats. "Oh, God." I whispered to myself, on the verge of tearing up because of how much beauty it contains. And it's my favorite color, too! Mint green.

You might be wondering why I only found out now that she owns a Cadillac. It's because my grandmother usually picks Candy and I from school and granny told me that she isn't able to pick us up today, so Monica kindly offered us a ride home and no one ever mentioned what she drives. Damn, she is loaded.

"Anyone wanna party tonight?" Monica suddenly asked. "I'm planning on throwing a party."

"You should. I haven't partied in forever." Candy urged.

"Great! You guys should come." Monica said excitedly.

"Oh, we will. Right, Raine?" Candy turned to look at me.

I hesitate. "I don't know. I'll have to ask granny's permission first." I said.

She grinned. "Dont worry, she'll let you go." She waved her hand.

"We're here." Candy pulled up to our neighbourhood. "Call me if you're going." She said before we exited her beautiful car.

"We will, thanks for the ride." Candy said while I admire the outside of her Cadillac.

"Party starts at nine. See ya!" Monica hollered and drove away while I am still admiring the back of her car. What a beauty. Someday I'll have my own retro Cadillac. Heck, I didn't even know those still existed until now. But, it still remained as my dream car.


Turns out, Candy was right. Granny did agree right away, saying I need to meet new people since I am new in town and all. It was now 8:28 and told us that we can sleep over at her house if ever we don't feel like going home.

I am wearing a black cropped tube top matched with my black high waisted leggings, a thick black choker, a black strapped four inched heels, and a long silky nude color cardigan with my red hair tied up in a messy ponytail.

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