Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - American Dad

"Rise and shine, Raine! Time to go to school." Granny announced obnoxiously loud that I think the whole neighborhood heard her.

"What? School?" I abruptly shot up from my bed. "But, I just got here!" I whined like a baby.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you." She mumbled to herself. "Raine, you're going to school today. The future is waiting. Chop chop!" I groaned out loud and forced myself to get out of bed. School is such a pain in the neck.

Thirty minutes later, I was sitting on the passenger seat of my grandmother's yellow Honda Fit on the way to school. I was becoming nervous at the thought of entering the school. A new girl who joined three weeks late into the school year. I hope I won't bring too much attention to myself.

"We're here! Enjoy your first day, honey." She gave me an encouraging smile.

"I will. See you, granny." I gave her a peck on the cheek before exiting her vehicle. As soon as I walked towards the school entrance, I noticed a few students lounging on the car park delivering curious looks to me and their friends. I ignored them just like how I did back in London and continued my journey. As soon as I reached the door to the building, I reached over and placed my hand on the knob. I was about to push it open when suddenly it was pulled open from the other side forcefully, dragging me in with full force that I think my arm was about to fall off. The door was fully open now, revealing the school's hallway and a very cute guy directly facing me. I managed to balance myself because falling on the ground on my first day of school is most definitely not embarrassing at all. Note the sarcasm.

The guy that is towering over me was what you call; Greek god. He looks about 6'2 and his muscles were totally visible through his tight plain white shirt. I was clearly checking him out and he is definitely doing the same to me. I can feel the stares of the nosy people around us.

"Can you move? You're blocking my way." He suddenly asked. Impolitely, may I add. Mr. Good looks with bad manners is a no, no for me, then.

Raising both my eyebrows at him. "What, no 'excuse me'?" I asked, not budging from my spot.

He then smirked my way with a look of realization. "Oh, a British kid." He chuckled.

I gasped, slightly offended with what he called me.
"Are good manners banned in America or something?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes, the smirk still on his face. "It's a free country, redhead. You'll get used to it." He said  before going around me to leave and get to his destination, leaving me aghast.

"For your information, my father is American." I called out to him, who is heading to the parking lot.

"Good to know." He replied, not even bothering to look my way. Rolling my eyes at him, I turned back around to see that most of the people in the hallway were staring at me.

I cleared my throat. "Mind your own business, people." I said to them, which made them look away from me. Well, some of them. Most of the guys were checking me out. Deciding to ignore it, I walked down the semi crowded hallway, on the look for the principal's office when my name suddenly got called. Turning around, I see Candy running towards me

"Good day, miss Crane." I smiled at her.

"Your accent is giving me goosebumps." She giggled. I laughed at her before asking for help on finding where I can get my schedule. We finally arrived infront of a dull wooden door and knocked on it before entering the room. A lady who looks about forty was sitting on her front desk, doing some secretary stuff.

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