Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Enough Dreaming About Me

"Hey, I heard you're joining the talent show." A petite blonde with a fake smile said as she jumped in front of me, making me halt in my steps. I was heading out to the parking lot to go home after visiting my aunt's office and it was getting really late that Candy texted me fifteen minutes ago saying that she's catching a ride home with a guy. I'm gonna have to speak to her about this mysterious guy, alright.

"I am." I nodded with a much faker smile as I try not to show my annoyance. First, Colton, now this bitch.

Her eyes twinkled with a hint of dislike, her sugar coated smile still on her face filled with heavy make up. "I'm Shelby. You must heard great stories about me, correct?" She asked cockily.

"Nope. I've never heard of you before." I shook my head with a thoughtful expression. Geez, cocky people always get on my nerves but, that doesn't mean I don't like getting on their nerves.

She looked surprise for a second before frowning. "Look, just drop out of the competition and I won't make your life torturous." She threatened, her true colors finally seeping through.

I frowned back at her. "I'm sorry but, I can't." I said. Monica warned me about this confrontation so I have been preparing for this shit.

She raised her perfectly arched eyebrow. "Why not?" Her face full of annoyance that I did not follow her demand.

"I already told the principal that I'm joining." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Then tell her you're backing out." She rolled her eyes.

"But, I don't want to." I made a face at her.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You have some serious guts coming here to America, enrolling to this school, and talking to me like this!" She rant out, clearly getting angry. What a spoilt bitch.

I crossed my arms in front of me. "What, you own America and the school, now?" I scoffed.

"I didn't say that." She placed her hands on her hips. "I'm just saying that I'm here way before you and everybody will always take my side." She flips her hair cockily. "In fact, I can get you off the talent show list and get you kicked out of this school the minute I walk in to that principal's office." She gives me a threatening matched with a devious smirk.

I fakely smiled sweetly at her. "Good luck with that." I left her there gaping at me, probably surprised that I'm not scared of her. I have dealt with much more worse people than her. She's nothing compared to them. Besides, my Aunt would never let anyone talk shit about me.


As soon as I walked in the house, two adorable creatures suddenly attacked me as playful pants came from both of them. "Hi, there." I giggled as I crouched down and pet them and scratch them both behind their ear. "Did you miss me?" I grinned at their adorable faces. "You guys are too cute." I said before standing up and walking further into the house as Dawn and Meadow raced back into the living room where granny is sat, watching tv.

"How's school, dear?" She asked, not bothering to look at me since she was too engrossed in what she's watching.

"It was alright. I decided to join the school's talent show." I informed her as I drop my bag on the floor by the corner.

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