Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - Cane

Candy's P.O.V

I sighed as I sat down the couch tiredly. Wrapping presents are totally not my cup of tea. Next week, me and my brother are gonna be at the cabin like every Christmas and I can't wait to invite my friends and introduce them to him.

Standing up from the couch, I decided to go over to Raine's house so I can invite her and hang out for a while. It was kinda weird when she sadly said goodbye to all of us at the last day of school before Christmas break. It was as if she was going back to England and would never return again. I asked her why she was acting weird so suddenly and she only said, "Nothing, I'm just gonna miss you all during the break." She said with a cheeky smile.

But, what I didn't understand is that why did she say goodbye to me when I lived right across her house. I came to the conclusion that she must think I wouldn't invite her to go the cabin. And so when I told her that all of us are gonna go to the cabin, her face lit up but it didn't quite match her eyes.

Crossing the street, I noticed Principal Storm's car parked outside their house. She must be spending Christmas here. Shrugging, I opened the door to their house, like I always do and notice that the room was dimly lit and an uneasy feeling suddenly came to me. The aura of the house was depressing and quiet. Slowly walking down the hallway, I heard distinct sobs from the living room.

Why are they crying?

I suddenly felt like I was invading but, I couldn't bring myself to walk back out. I stay rooted to my spot and decided to call out Granny to see if she would invite me in or send me out. After calling out her name, there was a pause to the sobbing and Granny's sad, depressed voice echoes through the walls.

"Come in, Candy." She invited. I took this my cue to continue walking and what I saw in the living room, shocked me. Granny and Principal Storm's eyes were red and puffy and their cheeks were stained with tears. Right beside them was a casket.

My breath hitched, not believing the sight in front of me. Walking closer, I can see a clear view of the person inside the casket and it broke my heart into a million pieces. Raine was inside the casket, clutching a white rose, wearing a conservative white dress. Her long, red hair decorated her pale, pretty face.

I gasped at the sight and tears sprung to my eyes. I couldn't believe
it. I can't believe my eyes. Next thing I knew, I was crying uncontrollably as I held the side of the casket for my dear life. My hand suddenly flew up to my chest because my heart was aching.

I was suddenly praying in my head, hoping this was a dream. A nightmare and that I'd wake up with tears in my eyes and Raine was still... alive. It felt weird thinking that. No wonder she has been absent this past couple days. I was just with her last week!

Tears wouldn't stop rolling down my cheeks and I was now seated next to Granny. "H-how did thi-is ha-happen?" I choked out, finding it hard to talk.

"Raine has..." Granny started, also finding it hard to talk. "She was sick." She whispered sadly.

"There was no cure." Principal Storm sighed. "All the doctor could give us was an information that she only had a few months to live." She said dejectedly.

"Why didn't sh-she tell me?" I whispered depressingly. I was a bit furious that she didn't say anything at all but it didn't matter. She's gone now.

Granny suddenly handed me a folded piece of paper that she grabbed from the coffee table, "It's from Raine."

Dear Candy,
I am sooo so sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted to, but, I just can't bring myself to tell you. The doctor said my last day would probably be in December and I didn't want you getting sad especially on Christmas. I wasn't exactly sure what date but, I wanted you to find out yourself. I love you, Candy Crane. Thank you for coming in to my life and made it exciting! I'm gonna miss you.

And you asked why I wasn't showing any signs of being upset over my parents' death right? I used to, every day and every night, but then I found out that I'm gonna reunite with them soon. I brought myself to stop.

Sincerely, Raine

P.S: There's something for you in my room, call the others. Love you. xx

And then it all made sense now. She already knew she was gonna die. She knew she'd be taken away and would reunite with her parents in heaven. As to why she wasn't a walking depressed wreck like other people who'd lost their parents. She said she used to be.

I noticed the smudged ink on some letters which meant she'd been crying while writing the letters. I sighed shakily as more tears formed in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Standing up, I walked up the stairs and into her room, not saying a word. I opened the door to her room to see neatly placed gifts on her bed. Images appeared in my head where we stay up late all night during weekends and just watch netflix and chill in this very room. I cried harder as I sat down on her bed, unable to stand any longer. I inhaled sharply before turning to neatly wrapped gifts on her bed and saw my name written in big, bold letters on a small box.

I shakily took it from its place and opened it slowly, taking my time. Opening the box, it revealed a silver bracelet with the words 'Cane' in cursive on it. It was both our names combined that I always use when we're hanging out. I smiled sadly. The other jewellery in the box was a gold locket. The pendant forming a heart. Opening it, it revealed a photo of us grinning widely at the camera. I remember that day clearly. I sighed breathily, tears still streaming down. I wore the bracelet and the locket before pulling out my phone and dialling the others.



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