Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Furiously Sad

I woke up the next morning with a light headache because of all the alcohol I consumed last night. After showering, I went down the stairs to look for Candy and Monica. As I walked into the kitchen, there were food already laid out on the counter and Monica was sitting on a stool munching on her delicious waffles.

"Good morning." I greeted with a smile and she greeted me back. I settled on the stool across her and placed some bacon and waffles on my plate. "Where's Candy?" I asked before shoving the tasty bacon into my mouth.

"Probably in the shower. She takes forever in there." She groaned.

"I know, right?" I agreed with her. Last Thursday we were late because she woke up late and she took a shower for fifty minutes. Speaking of the devil, Candy graced us with her presence and sat down beside Monica.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" She asked cheerfully as she wolfed down her waffles.

"We should watch a movie." Monica suggested. "I'm too tired to get out of the house." Gurl, same.

"Movie sounds great." I nodded. An hour later, we piled in, in Monica's cinema room and she went to turn on the projector.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" She asked.

"I wanna watch Fast and Furious!" I exclaimed.

"I'm fine with whatever. Prolly gonna fall asleep anyways." She mumbled the last part. The whole day we literally did nothing and watched my favorite movie series. I have watched it a million times and I'm starting to memorize some of the lines, this also goes to the other fast and furious movies.

After watching all of the movies for the first time, I was very hungover from the movie. I was inlove! The seventh movie was the saddest one. Rest in peace, Paul Walker. I cried so hard and the song 'See You Again' and Dom's (Vin Diesel) speech wasn't helping my situation at all.

After watching the the first one, The Fast and The Furious, Monica and Candy were ecstatic to watch the second one, 2 Fast 2 Furious. And then the situation repeated after watching the next film, Tokyo Drift, Fast & Furious, Fast Five, Fast & Furious 6. Surprisingly, Candy didn't fall asleep at all. She's actually enjoying it.

Right now, we were watching the ending of Fast & Furious 7 where Dom and Brian (Paul Walker: actually his brother played the part in the last scene since he passed away) parted roads and ways. The three of us were sobbing and crying our eyes out.

"Why did he have to die?" Candy cried out loud.

Monica cried and sobbed like a baby as she blew her nose with the tissue. "I still cry every time I watch this part even though I saw it like a million times." I babbled childishly, wiping the tears that were rolling down on my cheek. "He'd still be here if it wasn't for that damn car exploding after crashing into that lamp post." I blew my nose with a tissue.

Monica exhaled deeply and chuckled "We sound so ridiculous." She said, trying to lighten up the mood. We chuckled lightly with her and agreed. We proceeded to watch the last film, The Fate and The Furious. This one, unlike the last film, has a happy ending but it wasn't the same without seeing Paul's face. The part where Roman said "Brian would know what to do." which Letty answered with; "No! We can't bring Brian and Mia into this. We agreed on that." Broke the pieces of my already broken heart.

Death is no stranger to me. It happened to five of my loved ones already. Oh how I missed my dad pushing me on the swings and baking cookies with my mum. I haven't met my grandparents on my mum's side but I heard amazing stories about them and hoe my grandma loves dogs so much. And lastly, I miss fishing with my grandfather, my father's dad. Those were the times. The memories flooded my brain as tears threatened to fall down. Ignoring the pain, I focused on the movie.

After an hour, we finished the last film with big smiles on our faces. The song 'Good Life' was now blasting in the ending. Looking at the time, it was already 11:09 P.M and we started watching at 9 A.M. Not surprised. It happened to me the very first time I watched all the films.

"How great was that." Monica said.

"I'm in love! I wanna marry the freaking series." Candy said. "I don't know why I didn't watch these movies earlier." She shook her head.

"What can I say, I have great taste in movies." I flipped my hair playfully and chuckled and they chuckled with me. "Can't wait to watch the ninth one, which will be released in 2019." I stated. I couldn't wait to watch it.

"After watching that, I just wanna drive one of my sports car and speed out in a desert." Monica stated and glanced at her Apple watch, frowning. "It's late, I don't feel like sleeping." Monica grumbled.

"Me, too. I'm still hungover with the series." Candy huffed as she stared into the distance, probably replaying the events in the movie. Been there done that. Monica nodded mumbling, 'same'.

Taking out the popcorn from the seat beside me, I took one and popped it into my mouth and glanced at them with a smile.  "Wanna watch Harry Potter next time we sleepover?" I asked.

They both nodded at the same time and grinned widely. "From now on, I watch whatever movie Raine suggests." Candy announced.

Monica and I laughed at Candy's horrible fake British accent. "I'm honoured." I smiled at her.

We gossiped for a little while as we talked about things that happened to the movie, like how Gisele and Han is such a cute couple. My favorite scene out of all the movies was the one in Fast Five where they opened the vault filled with 100 million dollars. They all split it, receiving 10 million each and they all became millionaires after that. If you haven't watched the movie yet, the you missed half of your life.

The three of us eventually got sleepy as we headed upstairs together and entered in separate rooms. Taking off my clothes, I changed into my comfy pajamas which consisted a Harry Potter oversized shirt and pajama bottoms with car prints all over. The two things I greatly love.

I hopped in bed and stared at the ceiling for a while as thoughts began filling my mind and soon after that I drifted off to dreamland that is filled with fast cars and magic wands.


A/N: Help me. I am addicted to Fast and Furious & Harry Potter. If you haven't watched these films yet, then I suggest you go do it right now. You won't regret it.
And the part where they all cried, it actually happened in real life when I was watching it with two of my cousins.
I'm happy I poured out all of my thoughts about how I feel about the movie series in this chapter because my friends cant relate whenever I wanna talk about it :'(

 I'm happy I poured out all of my thoughts about how I feel about the movie series in this chapter because my friends cant relate whenever I wanna talk about it :'(

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