Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - Weekend at Aunt's

It's Friday today, thank God. It's been over a month since I came to this place and everything has been quite normal... I think. Anyways, things have been the same except that Candy has been acting weird and has been secretive lately, and Colton and I has created this weird bond between us. There's no conversation between us where we don't argue or insult each other. Sometimes it's just too hard to bare his stupidity, makes me roll my eyes every time things comes out of that pretty big mouth of his. Sure, we hang out and by that I mean we walk through the halls together, walk to our same class together since his locker was right across mine and no, we don't eat lunch together.

I was walking to my Aunt's office because I was spending my weekend there and I'm quite excited. I knocked on the door three times and heard her respond with "Come in." I did what I was told and went inside her office.

"Hi sweetie, can you sit down for a while? I still have some work left to do, it won't be long." She informed me, gesturing the the three person couch on the side of her office.

"Sure, no problem." I smiled at her and instead of sitting down on the couch, I laid down on it, letting out a contented sigh. I finally got to relax.

"So, are you ready for the talent show?" Aunt Roni asked.

I turned my head to her direction, my eyes wide. "Oh, crap I completely forgot about that."

My Aunt chuckled, "Best be getting ready for that, dear."

I groaned. How could I forget? "It's on Monday, right?" I asked even though I already knew the answer, but I was hoping she would say a different day no matter how small the chance is.

"Uh huh." Aunt hummed the answer, focused on her work.

"Darn it." I mumbled to myself.

After our conversation, everything went back to being silent and my lazy ass was about to doze off into a peaceful sleep, or so I thought. Suddenly, the alarm of an alarm clock was blasted through my ear making me jolt in surprise and falling off the couch. I heard
Aunt Roni chuckling delightfully, seemingly proud of what she have done.

"Ha-ha, very funny." I sarcastically say, giving her a playful glare and holding back a grin as I stood up from the floor.

"Alright let's get going." I nodded at her, picking up my bag that was right next to the couch. We started to head out the office and silently walked through the silent hallways.

"By the way, we're invited to a birthday party tomorrow." She informed me as we both start to walk through the doors.


"Right next door. I believe you're quite familiar with Mr. Brennen?" She looked at me expectantly.

"Yeah, is he the birthday celebrant?" I asked, thinking how weird it is to invite your principal at your birthday party. If it's like a teenage party then it's definitely very weird.

"No, her little sister is." She corrected me and I nodded my head in understanding, letting out an 'ahh'.

We loaded into her car and she backed out of the parking lot. We chatted about random stuff until we pulled up in front of an elementary school and two out of four foreign children loaded into the back seat.

"Hi guys, how's school?" Aunt Roni asked, giving them a sweet smile.

"It was great. My friend Owen gave me a chocolate bar." Omar excitedly shared.

"Yeah, and I made a new friend today, too." Feona beamed proudly.

"Wow, that sounds awesome!" I exclaimed. Smiling at them, offering them each a high five.

"Alright kids, buckle up." The ride back to Aunt Roni's house was quite noisy. The kids at the back were chattering endlessly and I was part of their conversation. Aunt Roni just listened and would laugh here and there whenever she hear something silly.

"We're home!" Aunt Roni announced as the kids ran out of the car the moment we pulled in the driveway. Aunt Roni was fast to get out, following her children and telling them to be careful, not wanting a repeat of what happened back then when Omar tripped on his own shoes hitting his head on a rock and started bleeding. The scar on his head was still there. Auntie said that was the worst thing that ever happened to her as a mother.

I followed them out of the car, slinging my backpack over my shoulder that contained my clothes. Slamming the car door, shut, I turned around to face auntie's house but, my eyes caught something else, or should I say, someone.

There he is in all his yummy glory, Colton Brennen, shirtless, mowing his front lawn. "Good day, Veronica." He greeted my aunt.

"Hello, Mr. Brennen, I didn't know we were in first name basis." She answered lightheartedly before getting inside the house.

I, on the other hand, was rooted at my spot, still not taking my eyes off of him. My breath hitched the second I saw him and I wanna scream and jump up & down because of how sexy and hot he looked. But the fact that this was Colton Brennen we're talking about, made me refrain from doing so.

"I know you're liking what you see." His cocky voice filled the air, smirking at my direction.

"And I know you're loving every second of it." I smirked back. Finally, switching my gaze to his eyes.

"Who wouldn't." He winked suggestively.

"Of course, the Raine Storm checking you out. You should be honoured." I cockily stated, crossing my arms.

"Ah, so you admit." He chuckled sexily. Damn, why am I starting to think he's sexy. Stupid hormones!

"Whatever." I say, playfully rolling my eyes and walking to the direction of my aunt's house. "See you around, sexy neighbour." My eyes suddenly widen at what just slipped out of my mouth but, I remained cool and continued walking as if I said it on purpose even though my heart was beating so hard.

"Aha!" He exclaimed childishly. "Next thing I know, you'll be admitting you have feelings for me!" He called out.

"You wish!" I said stopping at the doorstep, looking at him one last time and went inside the house but not before flipping him off. He laughed in amusement once again.

An edited photo of daniel sharman and madelaine petsch over there hmm

***An edited photo of daniel sharman and madelaine petsch over there hmm

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