Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 - Talent Show

My nerves were wracking as I look around the area backstage. There were other contestants getting ready, prepping themselves and rehearsing. I, on the other hand, came unprepared. I've done this before a lot of times so why am I even nervous? I should be used to this by now.

Candy and Monica suddenly popped up beside me with huge, excited grins on their faces. I haven't told anyone what I was going to do today but I think Candy has caught on that I'm gonna be singing, judging by the lack of preparation I did.

"I'm confident that you're gonna kick ass!" Candy exclaimed.

"I'm so excited. I wanna see you beat Shelby." Monia said.

"Thanks guys." I beamed at them.

"Surprise us!" Monica beamed back before hugging me before leaving so she could look for a good seat.

"You got this!" Candy gave me a thumbs up before following Monica.

I sat down on one of the stools, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I'm not gonna do anything extravagant to day. I'm just gonna perform a song and then, done. Simple as that, no need to be nervous at all. I was wearing a simple outfit. Black long sleeved top with a white overall dress matched with my black old school vans.

I was informed by my Aunt that Shelby stopped by her office, trying to convince my aunt to kick me out of the show. Apparently, my aunt knew what Shelby was up to since she's done it a couple of times before.

"You look unprepared." An annoying voice said. "Beating you won't be hard." She giggled, a smug look on her face.

"How are you so sure?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I mean, look at you. You look hopeless. Just drop out already before you embarrass yourself in front of the whole school." Shelby suggested. Shelby was the epitome of ready. Her heavy make up was on point, her pink outfit looks great, blonde hair professionally made, and all I could think of while looking at her is, Sharpay Evans from High School Musical. Yup, that's what she looked right now.

I sighed, standing up from the stool and facing her. "Good luck." I smiled at her before pushing past her as I made my way to my Aunt who just entered the backstage.

"Good luck, sweetie." Aunt Roni gave me a hug. I thanked her and we talked for a while until the host announced that the show was starting. "I better be going. Break a leg." Aunt Roni said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

The emcee started talking on the stage, greeting the audience and all. When he mentioned the contestants, my heart skipped a beat when he mentioned my name. 'This year's new contestant'. I peeked at the red curtain in front of me to see the theatre filled with people, some were even standing at the back because of the lack of seats. Yes, there were that many. I spotted Candy and Monica right in front, giving them a clear view. Next to Candy was Aiden. Hm, why are they sitting together all of a sudden? Weird. And then, next to Aiden made my heart beat faster and made me more nervous than ever. Colton Brennen.

He actually came.

"Okay, let's get started with contestant number one, Quinn Quincy." Applauses were heard from the people and the contestant went out to stage and started to perform. There were only four contestants and luckily, I'm the last one since I was the last one to enter the show. Unfortunately, Ben didn't enter this year's talent show and I don't know why.

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