Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - TGIF

We made our way to the back of the house where a pool; crowded with a bunch of people is located, and followed Monica to a sliding door that is wide open. The moment the three of us entered the large mansion, we immediately separated ways. Monica was pulled into a group of people, telling her how great the party is and Candy went straight to the bar and ordered a drink while I headed my way to a table filled with chips.

I grabbed a handful of potato chips and shoved them into my mouth, munching happily. The song 'Last Friday Night' by Katy Perry blasted through the speakers, making me bob with the music as I continue filling my mouth with delicious junk food. I felt a presence beside me and turned to the side to see a guy pouring himself a drink from the jungle juice bowl. I never tried drinking a jungle juice before. I heard that its a mixture of fruits and strong alcoholic drinks. I grabbed myself a cup and poured myself a drink and sipped on it.

"Delicious, isn't it?" The guy suddenly asked. I nodded and looked up to him once again before smiling at him.

"Aiden, hi." I greeted. "Didn't know that was you." I said as I sipped on my drink once again.

He smiled at me. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"It's Raine." I grinned.

"Rain?" He asked and peeked through a window from afar. "It's not raining." He looked confused.

I laughed. "No. My name is Raine."

"Oh." His face filled with realization. "Nice to meet you, Raine. Wanna dance?" He asked holding his hand out. I smiled and took his hand in mine as we made our way to the dance floor. We were both dancing and conversing the whole hour with a few laughs here and there.

Suddenly feeling tired, I told Aiden that I wanted to sit down. He offered to go with me, saying that he, too, felt drain. We both spotted an empty sofa on the side of the room and made our way towards it.

As we settled down, we were both silent and out of topic to discuss, so I perked up a conversation. "So, about you and Candy." I started.

He raised both his eyebrows. "What about us?" He asked.

"What's this hatred, dislike thing you have?" I asked, choosing my words carefully.

He shrugged. "I never said I hate her. But, yeah. She's a total freak." He stated.

"No, she's not." I defended. "Crazy? Yeah. But, freak? I don't think so."

"Really? How would you know? You just started hanging out with her." He smirked, challenging me.

"Actually, I know her since we were little." I stuck my tongue at him. He chuckled lightly.

"How come?" He asked. Trying to change the subject are we? I might as well go along with it.

"Well, my grandmother lives right across Candy and every summer, me and my parents used to visit granny, and Candy always comes over." I said.

He nodded in understanding. "Why'd you move to Florida anyways?" He asked. I was afraid someone would ask this question. Good thing I already made up an answer, incase someone do ask.

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