Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 - Wendy's Harley

"Raine, I'm so proud of you deary. I'm sorry I wasn't able to show up. A problem came up at the shop." She sighed. Granny has been apologising repeatedly for his absence on this big day and I would just laugh it off and say it's okay, because it is okay. It really isn't a big deal. Besides, Candy took a video of my performance for granny to see when we get home.

"I told you, Granny, it's fine. No need to get so worked up about it." I chuckled lightly. "Anyways, I should be going, my friends are waiting for me." We bid our farewells to each other before hanging up.

I tossed my phone inside my unzipped bag along with my trophy. I was slinging my bag over my shoulder, someone cleared their throat behind me. I looked over to see an angry Shelby, her mascara smudged, and eyes narrowed at me. It looks like she'd been crying.

"Don't think you're getting away with this just because the principal's your aunt." She seethed. "You stole my title! You stole trophy!" She said, raising her voice.

I looked at her with shock but, I quickly regained my composure. "I did not steal anything from you, I earned it. And if it means that much to you, I could just hand you the trophy." I offered.

She frowned. "You're in no place to pity me!" She continued to yell.

"And you're in no place to raise your voice at me." I tell her calmly, my face showing no expression.

Her frown deepened, her eyes burning with anger. "You'll pay." She said in a low menacing voice before turning around and walking away. And at that moment, I knew something was coming. She was gonna do something to make my life a living hell. She threatened me when she confronted me about entering the talent show and now that I stole her 'title', it just added fuel to the fire.

I sighed, walking out of the backstage and heading out of the theatre. Pushing the doors that lead directly to the hallway, I immediately spotted the four of them, talking animatedly with each other.

"Hey guys." I greeted with a wave.

All four head turned to my direction and I was immediately bombarded with:

A "Congratulations, girl. I'm so proud!" from Monica,

a "You were freaking amazing, Raine." from Candy, and

an "I honestly did not see that coming!" from Aiden

Those only came from Candy, Monica, and Aiden. I noticed Colton didn't say a word. He was looking my way, leaning against the wall, looking sexy, smirking at me with an unknown expression. He must be proud of me? I don't know.

I thanked the three of them and Monica suggested we go out for dinner for celebration and we all agreed. We started to head towards the exit and everyone was chatting with each other. Well, mostly the three of them. I noticed how Candy and Aiden has gotten suspiciously close these past few weeks and how talkative & cheerful Aiden really is. Not that I had a problem with them getting close or anything. I just find it odd but, I wave it off anyway.

Colton walked beside me while the three musketeers walk in front of us, enjoying their chat. "You know," Colton started. "You don't sound bad."

I chuckled at him. "Woah, two compliments in one week from the Colton Brennen? My mind is officially blown!" I exclaimed dramatically.

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