Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Small World

All day the teachers were always making me introduce myself on each period which was very exhausting saying things over and over again with a monotone.

Right now, I am glad to say that school is finally over today as I head my way to aunt Roni's office. I was about to knock on the door but did a double take when I heard people talking on the other side. I decided to sit down on one of the seats outside the office, patiently waiting for their conversation to finish. Five minutes later, the door opened and I looked up from my phone to see the cute guy I bumped into earlier walking out of the door with a prerplexed expression.

Glancing over to me, his expression suddenly changed as he smirked my way once again. Rolling my eyes at him, I stood up from my position and walked over to the door. I was about to reach for the door knob when he suddenly blocked the door, making me take a step back.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked up at him in annoyance. "What do you want?" I asked.

"No 'hi' or 'hello'. Sounds to me my bad manners has rubbed off on you." He said.

"Is my British accent gonna rub off on you too after this coversation?" I asked sarcastically. "Because, you look like someone who speak words that can only be found in an urban dictionary."

He raised one of his eyebrows. "Now, now England, we should never be jugdemental." He gave me a playful stern look.

I faked a shock expression. "Oh would you look at that. I was wrong. You do speak English. Looks can be quite deceiving, you know." I said sarcastically, trying to playing dumb. "Silly me." I flipped my imaginary hair since I tied it in a messy bun. "Now, can you move so I can see the principal?" I fold my arms infront of me.

"Why do you wanna see Principal Storm so badly? You're in trouble, aren't you?" He asked even though I know that he thinks he knows the answer to that question.

"Eat your words now, dipshit. Who's the judgemental one now?" I said as I made instinctive actions that probably makes me look like I said the greatest diss in a roasting contest war or something. I tend to do that sometimes when I feel victorious.

He let out a small laugh and shook his head at my antics. "That has to be the most horrific thing I've seen all year." He made fun.

"You know what I think is the most horrific?" I asked, standing straighter.

"What?" He challenged, the annoying smirk appearing on his face.

"Your face, bitch!" I exclaimed and acted as if I dropped a bomb right infront of him. "I best be going. The bomb is about to explode in your already horrible face, Freddy Krueger." Although we both know it's a lie. He is hot as fuck and my comebacks are very lame. I'm trying not to embarrass myself as I hold tightly onto my pride.

He responded by shaking his head and holding in a grin. "Silly girl." He muttered to himself. I pushed him gently away from the door and he surprisingly moved out of the way easily. "By the way, what's your name?" He suddenly asked.

I stopped midway from turning the knob and looked at him. "That's for me to know and for you to... not know." I said with a fake smile, leaving him amused and curious.


I followed aunt Roni as we made our way to the fromt porch of her house. Walking in, the interior design seriously got to me. I've been interested in interior designs since forever and that's why I love granny's work.

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