No Charges// Chapter 23

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Corbyn's P.O.V.

I yell at the boys to come down the stairs. They all come down, even Jack. I point at the T.V. as the reporter gives another update.
"We have just discovered that Annabeth Marriot is currently in surgery due to her various life threatening injuries. We do not know the severity of her injuries. For those just joining the brodcast, Annabeth Marriot has been admitted to Renown hospital after being reportedly missing for 32 days. She was brought in by ambulance with her sister Nina at her side. If you know anything about this please call secret witness at...." I block out the rest of the news broadcast. I scan the room and everyone has tears in their eyes. "S-she's alive" Jack says smiling. I haven't seen him smile since the day she left.

We all jump in our van and head towards the hospital when I have a realization. "Anna has another sister?" I say. Everyone goes quiet, getting lost in their own thoughts.

Anna's P.O.V.

I woke up to the intence smell of hospital disinfect, invading my nostrils. The room was silent apart from my heavy breathing and the beeping noise you often hear in hospitals that indicates you're alive. I slowly opened my eyes, squinting in attempt to sharpen the blurred images around me. I glanced around and took in the empty, blue and white colour schemed hospital bedroom. How long have I been here? I shut my eyes, trying to remember what had exactly happened. Then it all hits me. The memory of it all starts to occupy my thoughts. "Nina? Where are you?"
The loudness of my voice provokes a piercing headache. Loud siren-like sounds ring through my head. I squeeze my eyes shut and cover my ears with my hands attempting to block out the sounds. It stops and I feel some one gently pull my hands away from my ears. I relax my hands and eyes, breathing slowly. I open my eyes and see Jack sitting on the edge of my bed with my hands in his. Tears of joy run down my face. I hug him with all I have left, which isnt that much.
"I missed you so much Jack" I say crying into his chest.
"I missed you too Princess, more than you will ever know" he says crying as well. I missed his hugs, his nicknames, his voice. I missed everything about him.

"H-how? W-what am I doing here?"

"Your kidnapper brought you here. But dont worry, your safe now. She'll be locked up in no time" he says reassuringly. Nina brought me here?

"N-no you dont understand. Where is Nina" She cant get locked up. I know this is absolutely insane but I need her. We need eachother.

"I don't know, but dont worry she cant hurt you anymore"

"Jack I need to know where she is. DOCTOR PLEASE SOMEBODY!" I yell.

A doctor walks in "Yes Miss umm-" he looks at my medical chart."-Marriot, is there an issue?"

"Y-yes, do you happen to know where the girl that brought me in is?" Please say you know. Please say you know.

"Actually I do I just saw her in the hallway talking to police officers" he states as he points out the window of the hospital room. I tear off all the wires and needles the doctors put on me.

"Anna what are you doing?" Jack says trying to get me to sit back down. I weasel my way out of his grip and run into the hallway. I find two cops with backs faced towards me. I run to them pushing them out of my way.
"NINA" I scream hugging her.
"ANNA" she screams back with her tears now soaking my hospital gown.
"I am so sorry I didnt know! S-she lied to me and I j-" she starts sobbing, her knees become weak and she almost falls but I catch her.
"Shhhh. Shhh its okay its okay. Its not your fault Nina. Its okay" I say calmly stroking her hair.
"Miss, you are aware of the identity of your kidnapper correct?" One of the officers says.
"Fully aware Officer" I say while still stroking the back of Nina's head.

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