Chapter 4 - Lunching together

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I stared at myself in the mirror, seeing a little scar on my left cheek that had become apparent after I scratched off my makeup due to all the nerves I was feeling currently. I was hiding in the bathroom in the overly fancy restaurant Justin had brought us to. Even the toilets looked to be made out of gold.

The restaurant in itself was fairly empty for being so popular as it supposedly were. It was not a lot of people here but considering it was between lunch and dinner time, I figured that would be the reason to why. No one really ate around this time of the day.

My inner mind kept telling me to get my shit together and stop acting so nervous, it was amusing Justin on high levels and I didn't want him to think I was afraid of him - even though I almost shat myself sitting next to him.

He was a powerful man but I had yet to find out why. His body language was always so harsh towards people. He never once said thank you to the waitress and expected them to give full service with no exceptions. He was a cold person that seemed to rarely show emotions.

Justin seemed to be well-known at this place because the first thing that happened as we walked in was that the owner of the restaurant came forward to greet us. He shook Justin's hand and it was all smiles from his side. Justin didn't move an inch of his lip nor face, at all. He seemed unfazed by the happy restaurant owner. Not the slightest interested in talking to him, instead, he had asked for a separate table for me and him.

In all honesty, I was not sure why I was invited to lunch with him. I felt completely out of place and realising how fancy his life was, I felt even dumber to be standing next to him in my skirt that I once thought looked like a professional one. Now, I thought it made me look like his office slut.

I would lie if I said that I wasn't uncomfortable.

Taking a deep breath, I knew I had been in the bathroom for way too long and I had to get back out there. Say hello to Justin again and sit down to have a discussion with him. It was probably going to be something that uninterested me to the fullest. He seemed to talk about things that weren't the slightest cool in my eyes. I would assume that he cared about money, business and girls bodies. He gave me that kind of vibe.

I gathered the last piece of myself, preparing myself to feel stupid and used like I usually felt around Justin's presence. He made me feel like a dumb blonde with his stupid attractive stylish hair and clothes, making him look like a millionaire compared to my trash self.

"Took you long enough," Justin muttered once I sat down at the table again. I didn't know what to say in reply, so I stayed quiet. I think he noticed my uneasiness and how incredibly uncomfortable I must've looked, sitting beside him, "You do know you can talk to me, right?"

"Yes, sir."

I don't know why I was acting so polite but it was like his eyes sternly told me to show the uttermost respect to him. The way his eyes lifted slightly higher each time I said something that didn't fall for his taste. He knew how to make it harder for the both of us and he was doing all of it on purpose. I could see his little smirk that was lingering on his lips, telling me that he was surely enjoying every part of this conversation. Every part of making me feel miserable.

He started talking about the company I was newly hired to and how important it was that I stayed focused and not talked to others during work. I knew instantly that he wanted to discuss the Alex thing and I tried to bite my tongue to not say anything stupid. All parts in my body wanted to tell him that Alex was a nice guy and had only sweet intentions, just wanted to help me out to get me started, but I knew that wouldn't be the smartest thing to say.

Uttering my opinion about the situation was a big no-no. He would see right through it and question me with those deep intense eyes of his on why I would ever think that I knew better than him. It was strange how quickly I was beginning to know him without even talking to him. Justin's aims were the same, it seemed like.

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