Chapter 5 - Odd office meetings

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"Jessica," Justin's voice was heard as I stepped past his office, clearly not as discreet as I had hoped on, "Can you come in here a second?"

I stopped walking dead in my tracks and forced a smile as I entered his office. My plan from the beginning was to walk to the printers on the other side of Justin's office without being noticed by him. Although, he was clearly on the hunt for me whenever someone passed his office. His door was open so that he could see the ones that moved outside considering his office were the only one with tinted glass.

"Close the door behind you, please," His tone was kind which I was unfamiliar with and I instantly thought that he must have something up his sleeve. I did as he said though and didn't show any hesitation as I closed the door. I didn't want him to think he had control over me even though I already knew that he was aware of it, "I looked through some of your files."

"Excuse me?" My mouth dropped open in shock and I tried to remember when I had given him permission to look through them. I couldn't even remember giving any documents to him which had me even more confused as to how he got his hands on them.

As if he read my thoughts, probably seeing right through my confusion, he gave me his normal powerful smirk and began to explain, "I have the rights to see anything and all files you name under this company's server, gets saved onto my computer. Don't worry about it, though, your cases are safe with me and I do not put my coworkers in any risks."

"I'm not your coworker," I muttered quietly to myself and once again I was wondering what exactly this man was working here for. What power did he have within the company and why was I so frightened of asking?

"You have lots of attitude," He stated as if it wasn't already obvious to the both of us, "I don't appreciate that. Drop it."

Suddenly, I felt offended, "It doesn't matter what you appreciate or not, I have an attitude if I want to have it."

My arms crossed over my chest and I left his office with grumpy and loud steps, like a child running up the stairs after finding out bad news from its parents. I ignored his calls from behind, hearing my name leave his lips two times, and went straight to the printers. Fortunately, I noticed Alex was there too, moving his papers around as he continued to print new ones.

"Justin is disgusting," I commented, seeing him raise his brows as he mumbled something about not calling him his first name. I had never heard anyone say differently and Justin himself didn't seem to mind when I called him by his first name. Was I the only one around here who did that? "I think he's trying to boss me."

"He is," Alex looked amused at my words as he stared down at his papers, arranging them in the right order to make it easier for him. He seemed busy but I didn't care, I had to rant to someone and he was the only one in this building that I knew, "He does that to all women."


"Yes, women."

I blinked a few times, trying to understand why he was so obsessed with bossing girls around instead of trying to be kind. If only his attractive face could be met with an attractive personality, I would have never wound up missing a chance for that. It would be the perfect combination and I felt rather disgusted that he wouldn't even try. He was trying to show me who the boss was, it was obvious, but I wasn't impressed and considering I worked with this, all day long, I was nowhere close to following his orders.

Well, maybe almost, since his intimacy scared the shit out of me.

"It's not fair," I mumbled, leaning against the printer machine as I watched Alex fix the last pieces of his files. He looked nervous and stressed and I wondered if it had to do with Justin's previous warnings. They didn't like each other, I had already understood that but I didn't know exactly why. "Are you busy?"

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