Chapter 24 - Stressy situations

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"Oh my God," I whispered quietly, holding the test in my hand telling me how my entire future was at risk. I was completely panicking on the inside, "What do I do?"

Lucas shrugged and I knew that this was as shocking to him as to me so I shouldn't be expecting him to come with all the answers, "Well, there's always abortion if you don't feel like keeping it."

"I can't do that."

"Then I think you gotta tell Justin," He shrugged again and I received a slight feeling that he wasn't taking this fully seriously. Lucas gave me a knowing look before he hesitated when he noticed that I didn't answer right away, "It's his, right?"

"It's obviously not yours," I muttered. Lucas wasn't stupid but sometimes I wondered about his IQ. It's impossible to get pregnant overnight and a part of me hated him for bringing that up again. He knew that I didn't want to talk about it. 

"I didn't mean that."

"So, who else would it be?"

"You don't always tell me everything, I'm just making sure-"

"I'm not a slut! Fuck off."

He raised his hands in surrender, requesting for me to calm down. Telling a woman who had just found out that she's pregnant to calm down was a stupid choice to make because I could feel the frustration grow within me and I wanted to slap him across his face. Instead, I took deep breaths and held my hands in each other to make sure I didn't do as my body pleased.

"I didn't say you were," He said, a soft voice coming back to him which probably was because he had realised how stupid it was to argue with a woman. When it came to the two of us, he rarely won those conversations, "We should probably talk about last night."

"We already did that," I mumbled, "We agreed not to bring it up."

"It's clearly an unsolved thing in your head, though, since you're acting this way towards me."

"You don't think it has to do with the fact that I just found out I'm pregnant?"


My body froze. In a way, I knew he was right but I didn't want to accept it. I think I was mad at him, at least a little bit, I had clearly thrown myself on him due to me being vulnerable and he hadn't even tried stopping it. He basically took advantage of me and

"I thought you said before you weren't interested in me."

"I'm not."

"So why didn't you stop it from happening?"

"I'm a dude," He defended himself which felt like the stupidest argument I had ever heard in my entire life but I wasn't that surprised, it was Lucas and I knew him to have extremely bad arguments in situations where he had to defend his own actions, "I rarely have sex these days and you know that. When I see an opportunity, my mind goes blank. No matter who it's with."

He was a convincing person but sucked when he really needed his charismatics to be correct. I tried to shake the ugly incest picture out of my head, knowing that it was way too far from him and if he knew I just had that thought of him and his sister; I would probably be knocked down on the floor right now.

Although the way he made it sound, had him no rights of judging me.

"God, I don't know what to do," I mourned, returning the subject back to the important thing. I was pregnant. I couldn't care less about Lucas and I sharing a night together, it wasn't the biggest problem here.

I saw him shrug, "You have to tell Justin."

"I don't know how he's gonna react," I let out a sigh, preparing for all the different ways that conversation could go. He was a serious businessman, he didn't have time for a child in his life. There was no way he was going to be happy about this. His life is too busy, and so is mine supposed to be but with a growing human in my stomach, I knew that I had a long couple of months ahead of me, "Maybe I should get rid of it?"

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