Chapter 39 - Don't want you around

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Guyyyyyyys, I hate being that author but please leave a few comments on this chapter :( You were lacking during the last chapter and it really does affect when I decide to write & not, it slow downs my process of writing because I get discouraged.

Also, OMG we reached 100K & we're #2 in the justinbieber hashtag!!! what!!! y'all are crazy!!! thank you!!!!!!



My heart was beating faster than ever and I could've sworn you could hear the pounding in my chest from miles aways when I entered the apartment.

I knew Jess was here and when I reached the open living room space, I saw her eyes widen at the sight of me before she was quickly stood up and tried to escape from the room and into the bathroom.

Quickly, I ran just enough to be able to reach out for her arm. I heard a squeal come out of her mouth as she squirmed in my arms, trying to get me off her.

"Stop!" She screamed in my face, although I was barely doing anything to her except for holding her arm in a firm grip.

She continued to struggle, her body tossing and turning in my arms until her ponytail was repeatedly punching me in the face. It didn't do me anything, I continued to hold her until she calmed down. Instead of trying to push me off her, she eventually broke down and crawled into my arms by herself, her head suddenly leaning on my shoulder and her body making small jumps up and down, indicating to me that she was crying.

I held her close to me, repeatedly kissing her head and tried to calm her down by whispering, "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry."

She shook her head against my shoulder but didn't give me any words. I knew she was hurt and I wasn't sure how to handle the situation this time. I have fucked up many times in our relationship but not this deep, I wasn't sure what to say in order to not make it worse.

Jessica's body squirmed again and right before I was about to ask, she surprised me by escaping from my grip and quickly running into the bathroom. I sighed, standing still and watching the door shut between us. A door I knew was going to be hard to break open again.

Damn, I really messed up this time.

I walked up to the door and knocked gently, knowing I wasn't about to get a response yet I still felt the need to try. I could still hear her crying from the inside, leaving me to feel an extreme wave of guilt washing through me. I hated to see her cry, I hated to see her upset and I knew this wasn't good for our baby. She was upset and if something happened to our unborn child, I would forever blame myself for it. The same way I blamed Noah's death on me, which almost caused me my own death.

"Jessica?" I knocked three more times, "Jess, please. Open the door. We need to talk about this."

She didn't open but I did hear a response, "how did you know I was here?"

"Alex told me, he gave me his keys-"

"Why would he do that? You're not friends," She scoffed on the other side and I once again unsuccessfully pleaded for her to open the door. "He said I would be safe here," she ignored my previous demands and continued to discuss a topic I wasn't interested in, "Why would he help you? He hates you. He said he was on my side."

"Who cares?" I didn't mean to sound so rude but when the words came out of my mouth, it was already too late. I cursed myself for seeming like a bad person again, "I mean, he's still my brother. We still share blood, that's probably why."

That was the exact reason why. Alex had used the same words himself but I didn't feel the need to tell her that. She seemed disappointed with him and for some reason, despite the fact that my hatred towards him had gone down, I didn't want her to like him. I hated that Jessica had turned to him when she needed someone. It meant she was trying to build some sort of relationship with him and I appreciated him helping her out but I also wanted to rip his head off, knowing he had agreed to help. I liked the fact that she wasn't very fond of him and felt mistreated by him, it was a good sign for me.

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