Chapter 29 - It's Time to Realise the Truth

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I felt a push on my back, making me stumble forward and into the hotel room that Justin had previously dragged me by the arm to get to. I scoffed, the growing frustration in me was undeniable and I wanted nothing more than to pack my bags and go home. It was obvious that the entire vacation was ruined by his behaviour.

Maybe I had a slight part of it too but I was a strong believer in the fact that I technically didn't do anything wrong, maybe morally, but not technically. All I wanted was to prove that Justin wasn't getting to my head, that I wasn't believing his words when he said that he owned me. I didn't mean for him to see it.

I didn't think further than in the moment either, not even thinking about the consequences of my actions. If I would have taken a second to think it through, I could have figured out that Justin wasn't going to go easy on the poor waiter. He didn't do anything to deserve that, he was actually sweet and as a thank you, I brought him into the biggest mess.

I'm sure we wouldn't see him for the rest of our stay here. He certainly had a broken nose to take care of and that was probably the minimum of his injuries after Justin was finished with him.

Another thing I was surprised by was that the hotel staff had kindly scooted Justin away, sending us back to our hotel room when I could've sworn any other hotel would have thrown us out for treating their staff like that. I know that Justin was powerful and rich but I couldn't really see why their reaction towards us wasn't harsher. I think maybe I had hoped for them to throw us out so that we would have been forced to home.

Although, I wouldn't be surprised if Justin had already paid himself his way back here to let us stay, behind my back. He would do that and then he would yell down my throat for going behind his back. He was seriously hypocritical but this time, I was not going to let him win. I wasn't going to give into this argument, I had to find his weak spot and I had to break him. He needs to realise that his behaviour is just not okay.

When he fixes his behaviour, I might be able to fix mine. But for as long as he's treating me the way he is, I will be driven insane. This is the type of shit I will do as a result of his behaviour.

"What were you thinking?!" He yelled out loud at the same moment the door shut behind us, leaving us alone in our room and considering the bungalows were quite far away from each other, I was suddenly a little bit scared of him. I hate it when he's angry because it seems like he has no self-control.

He had already pushed me several times, dragged my violently here against my will as I've screamed for him to stop hurting me. He was seeing black right now and in all honesty, the best way to approach that wasn't to fight back with angriness but as for right now, I couldn't stop myself. It might bite me in the ass in a few minutes but I couldn't help myself anymore, I had to let my feelings out too. I had to let him know that this wasn't okay! I've reached my limit with his possessive and stupid behaviour.

This was going to be the last time he disrespects me.

"What were you thinking?!" I screamed his own words in his face, repeating his sentence to make him realise he was the bad guy in this. Not me. I wasn't going to allow him to push me down there.

He scoffed loudly, daring to take a step closer to me but I only backed away again, "Me? This is all your fucking fault!"

"That wasn't my fist, Justin!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and I knew that whoever passed our crib right now would probably participate in an interesting show of our argument, "I didn't tell you to beat him! That was you! Your actions! Your responsibility!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!"

He shut his eyes, the anger disappear off his face but I stayed tall. I knew his ways. Now, he would go soft, say that he was sorry then make me apologise as well and then this would go on until the next time someone messed something up. I shouldn't have kissed Max, deep inside, I really knew I was in the wrong for doing that. I lead Justin on and filled his hope that something was going to happen between us again but what he did (and does on an everyday basis) was so much worse and I can't handle that anymore.

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