Chapter 35 - Baby bumps and perfection

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Weeks had passed since Noah had visited us. Once he had left, the house was back to feeling empty. Justin had ensured me that he was going to take more time off work in order to be with me more. Since we were working together on the same case, I rarely had to go to the office. I stayed home and worked here and whenever we needed something, Justin would bring it home. In fact, he barely wanted me to go to the office. He says that it's bad for the baby and that I should be calm during the pregnancy (which was in my opinion total lies because I was doing very fine but I didn't want to start anything with him so I just listened and nodded to his requests).

I hadn't heard from Matthew since the incident and I assumed that he didn't want to stand in the way of Justin and I's relationship. I didn't blame him, I would be a little freaked out too if I met with a threatening Justin. I know from experience that he's not very likeable whenever he's mad.

"You're beginning to show," Justin mumbled, interrupting me from my thoughts and bringing me back to reality which was currently our bed, tangled up together watching a black and white movie. His hands travelled to my stomach, the tiny bump being put on display for the both of us since I was only laying in underwear. "Only six and a half more months to go," Justin beamed, his smile wider than I had ever seen it before, "Then it's not just you and me anymore."

"Isn't that crazy?" I giggled, thinking of a third person laying together with us right now, "I don't think I've fully processed it yet."

"Me neither," He shrugged, causing me to further crawl into his embrace. His arms were stretched out wide for me to snuggle into, which I did without a doubt.

Justin always had this warm presence around him, his body was forever heated. It could always warm me up, no matter how cold he complained about being. I would continue to adore him for that, knowing that whenever I needed the embrace; he would always be there to call. Justin didn't mind me cuddling him either, he could pretend to be a tough guy all he wants but when it actually came down to it, I was certain that he was a sweet one deep inside. At least towards me, from what I've seen.

I noticed that Justin shifted in his position and I was about to ask him where he was going but I then noticed that his head leaned against my stomach, causing me to break out into a smile as I figured out what he was going to do.

"Hey there buddy," he mumbled against my tiny baby bump, his lips brushing upon my belly. I inhaled deeply, the touch of his mouth facing my skin creating goosebumps all over my body. God, I love him. "Daddy really wants you to come out now," he pouted slightly, "I can't wait any longer."

I giggled, "Justin, it's six more months."

"Shh," He hushed me immediately, staring up at me with a playful glare, causing me to shut up, "Me and baby-me is having a moment."

"Baby-you?" I laughed as I pretended to be offended even though it was the cutest thing I had ever heard him say. It only made me want this to go faster, I wish I could sleep away the rest of the six months so that the baby finally could get delivered, "What about me, though? Did you forget I have a part in this too?"

"You're the mother, you already get enough credit-"

"Woah there buddy," I mimicked his words from earlier, the way he called our baby buddy stuck in my mind. Although I was laughing at the situation, not being sure how to tackle the seriousness in this, I still wanted to inform him about the work I was putting in for the two of us, "I'm the one about to pop this shit out, I wouldn't be so fast in saying I get enough credit. My credit hasn't even begun yet."

"Did you just call our baby shit," Justin tried to keep himself from laughing, I could tell by the way he was biting his lip and smirking slightly.

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