Chapter 37 - An argument that changes everything

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"We talked about how the dates we used to go to really sucked," I laughed as I retold everything that had happened during those hours with Lucas, something about it was extremely interesting to talk about. All I got was a grunt as a reply from Justin, clearly not interested in hearing what I had to say but I still couldn't help but keep on talking, my energy after today was extremely high, "We used to go out and pretend to be newly married in order to get free food and drinks."

Justin seemed to be cut low in patience though, "Can you shut up for two seconds? You've been talking nonstop since we got back home."

"Oh," I bit my lip as I tried to not take it to heart and get offended, "I didn't know you found me talking, so annoying."

"I don't find you talking annoying but I do find you talking about your dates with Lucas annoying," He rolled his eyes at me as if it was an obvious thing for me to understand. I would have understood if the dates were real but this was years ago and we were just playing around. I was laughing at all of this for a reason, simply because it was never a serious thing, Justin could clearly not understand the joke in it, though.

I smirked and crawled further into his arms, the couch we were sitting on being big enough for the both of us yet we had cuddled up together in the corner, "Aw, are you jealous?" 

"No," he stated sharply.

I laughed, seeing through the obvious lie he was claiming. His breath was slowly getting heavier which meant he was becoming frustrated, I knew it was a bad idea to try and get him worse when he was clearly already upset but for some reason, I found some sort of joy in doing that. With that being said, I had a hard time stopping myself from continuing my comments.

"You clearly are, it's cute how protective you are over me but it's just Lucas, you don't need to act that way-"

"You wanna play that game?" Justin raised his eyebrows at me, interrupting me which made me pout out of disappointment. He had nothing to worry about when it came to Lucas but he clearly didn't understand that, "Marissa and I used to have the best sex." 

I bit my lip, knowing I had something worse to tell him, "The quite recent sex I had with Lucas was pretty awesome too-"

"Too far," He muttered, cutting me off at the same time that he instantly let go of my body, only to stand up and prepare himself to walk out the living room. I laughed gently, seeing him grumble quietly to himself as he exited the room. I followed him with my gaze until he was no longer in my sight and I decided that it was time to actually talk about this.

I followed Justin's footsteps, finding him in the kitchen shortly afterwards. He was taking a sip water, the glass in his hand being freshly filled with was obvious because of the steam that the coldness had caused. It actually looked really good and I suddenly became thirsty for two different reasons, seeing his lips touch the cold glass. Quickly, I shook away my thoughts and told myself that it wasn't the right timing.

"Why do you keep worrying about me and Lucas having sex?" I asked gently, my tone way softer than it was before as I put my hand on his shoulder and felt his entire body instantly relax under my touch. I could tell that he was upset from before and it soothed me to know that my touch could affect him in such a positive way, so quickly.

He shrugged, "Whenever someone mentions him, all I can see is the picture of you on top of him."

"Isn't that tiring?" I asked, trying to keep my voice as smooth as possible in order to not get him more upset, I wanted him to stay calm and I was definitely not looking for a fight right now, "Wouldn't it be nice to let it go? You know I'm yours, what other information do you need?"

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