Chapter 20 - Emptiness inside

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"He did what?" Lucas almost laughed as I sat down on the sofa with my extremely frustrated face. My tears had finally, after hours of laying in bed and eating plenty of ice cream, dried up and all my sadness had turned into rage instead, "That's a fucked up thing to do."

"He didn't even get it," I mumbled, remembering how his face was so confused when I told him how wrong he was for what he did. He tried to talk to me with a smooth, soft voice and told me to calm down. It's just a stupid case, his words kept ringing in my head and they wouldn't stop, "He acted as if what he did was fine."

"That's crazy, man."

I nodded, a part of me annoyed at how easily Lucas was taking it. I wanted him to offer himself to go beat Justin up and then I could laugh it off and say that it wasn't necessary even though it totally was necessary right now.

I wanted nothing more than to see him suffer. He wrecked my entire career. I would have to go back to that stupid coffeehouse and serve coffee again. No one would ever hire me as their lawyer after seeing this chaos. I knew that even Mrs Dunman was disappointed with my actions.

As if this wasn't like majorly her fault. She was the one who sent those emails after I had continuously requested for her to stop.

"Well, what are you going to do now?" Lucas asked, sitting down next to me and right as I was about to put the spoon on another piece of a yummy Ben and Jerry's taste, he stole the spoon and forced it into his own mouth instead. I gave him an annoyed look and he apologised quickly afterwards, "I couldn't help it, it looked really good."

"Buy your own expensive ice cream," I muttered.

My phone, that was lying next to me, was vibrating over and over and I heard Lucas asking if I wanted him to turn it off. I did, so I nodded. Once it stopped sounding, I felt the relieved feeling of finally being without the stress. Time wasn't moving anymore and I could sit here for as long as I possibly wanted, to just breathe and detox all of the bad people in my life. Including Justin.

Damn him for breaking my trust for him this easily.

How is it possible that I fell for his ways? I've known from the start that he's an egoistic asshole, how did I not see this happening? Of course, he would use me to win this case, what else did I expect of him? I had been so stupid to think that he was going to play fair with me. He had the information so why would he not take advantage of it? It's like my feelings had pushed out the facts, tried to avoid the fact that I knew he would do this to anyone else. I think maybe, in the back of my head, I had a gut feeling that told me something like this would happen. It was so easy for him to cheat his win on this and I let him do it. There was nothing I could've done to save my reputation in that situation.

I did everything I could and now it was all over. I really hope he thinks it was worth it.

"You need to stop thinking about it," Lucas muttered as if it was the easiest task in the world. He knew that I had a hard time to control my thoughts, something I had been struggling with ever since I was a little child, but I knew that he only meant well. Until he opened his mouth and began to speak from Justin's perspective which made me want to punch him in the throat, "Maybe it's not that bad if you think about it. I'm sure he didn't think through the consequences and the guy is clearly sorry," He took a moment to stare at my turned off phone that had previously been going crazy over all the missed calls and messages, "Is it much too ask for a little bit of time? Sympathy? Hear him out?"

"Why are you speaking against me?"

"I'm not," He mumbled with a shrug before he attacked my spoon yet again and made sure he got another piece of my very well-earned ice cream. This time, I didn't mind, only by looking at it I suddenly felt extremely disgusted, "I'm just saying that he might be sorry and you should hear his apology before you make your excuses."

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