Chapter 18 - Final day

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The panic in me was probably as obvious on the outside as it felt on the inside. I had never felt more unprepared for a case that I had worked so hard on, every single night and day. The past few nights, I had hardly been sleeping at all.

Justin seemed to be a bit more worried too, we had barely been talking the past few final days but it was understandable from both parts. Both of us were removing unnecessary documents, copying the important ones and printing out the fresh ones. We were preparing our best for the case that was going to happen tomorrow.


I wasn't ready, I needed at least another week before I would even imagine going up there and represent my side of it. I was going to face the judges with barely any information that felt relevant, at least that's how it felt currently but I also knew that wasn't the case. I had so much information that in fact was relevant and I knew Justin who, for only a week ago, was being all calm about the entire thing was suddenly freaking out a bit more too. We were all nervous but it was acceptable. The case was huge and there would be a lot of people attending court. My client's entire family was going to be gathering there which only made me feel more pressure. They were all hoping for victory.

I was beginning to doubt myself. I didn't doubt my information and I know I'm a great convincing lawyer but what I was doubting was that I was meeting Justin in court. The Justin Bieber, who everybody knew of as New York's most well-known and well-paid lawyers. He had never lost a case, what made me think I would be the first?

I've worked harder than him on this case though and I deserved to win so badly. I hadn't been sleeping properly for a month straight. My mind was literally racing wildly with all kinds of extreme thoughts and I was terrified of all the things that could possibly go wrong. Which made me want to look through my folder again, to really make sure it was all packed and stacked correctly until tomorrow. I needed it all to be very organised, I think I would lose my mind otherwise.

"Jess?" I heard Justin's voice through my door and I looked up, seeing a nervous expression plastered all over his face and I nodded, allowing him to come inside, "You have a minute?"

"I actually don't, Justin-"

"I know, I don't either but I feel like I wanna talk to you again about that thing we promised each other," He closed the door behind him before he sat down in my chair across my desk. It felt wrong considering he wasn't here to talk work so I motioned for him to join me on the sofa instead. For some reason, whenever someone sat in that chair, I felt some sort of power and that was definitely only work-related things which I didn't like when Justin was involving himself in.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seeing his worried face and I could tell that something must've happened. I closed my eyes momentarily while I quickly prayed that nothing serious was wrong, I really didn't have the time for things to start going wrong now. There was no time nor energy for that, "Make it quick, though, I don't have much time."

"Honestly, it's the same for me," Justin laughed a little which made me raise my eyebrow, thinking how in the hell he was able to sit and make small talk when tomorrow was the big day, "I'm nervous. I've never been nervous about a case before but for some reason, I'm extremely nervous to meet you in court."

I held my breath for probably a bit too long, "It's going to be okay."

"Promise me that if I win, you won't hate me?"

"What makes you so sure you're going to win?" I scoffed, crossing my arms as I felt my more protective side come alive. I didn't have time for him to come here and act all cocky about his previous cases and how he's never lost a case, blah blah blah, I didn't need to hear that right now. How could he not understand that? Isn't it pretty clear that a woman who's freaking out don't wanna hear about other people's success? "You should know I'm actually pretty good in court. You're going to lose big time-"

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