Chapter 9 - Stop The Tease

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Working with a case that I knew Justin would be holding as well as more than exhausting. I had never felt such high pressure (both from myself and everyone around me who instantly gasped when I told them about the situation). People were surprised I had even accepted the challenge.

It couldn't be that bad meeting him in court, right? Rumours said that he had never lost a case but I was determined that I would be the first to win against him. At least that's what my head imagined whenever I thought about it. A part of me couldn't wait to see his face when the judge clubbed me as the winner.

I would make him look like a fool.

Smirking, I looked through the papers to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Laws had so many peepholes but I had been checking through the lawbook multiple times, writing down situations that aren't even accurate but that still had the slightest chance of happening. I had to be prepared for everything.

"How's it going?" Alex suddenly interrupted me, making me groan and secretly wish that he could, for once, not bother me. I didn't have anything against him but he was beginning to get on my nerves, always hanging out at my office whenever I actually needed the time to work. This case was definitely going to stress me out, considering it had already begun to, "I just wanted to talk to you about earlier."

"What?" I mumbled, looking through the papers in my hand and kind of wishing he would get my I'm-busy-please-leave face.

Instead of looking at the way I was acting, pretty much ignored his existence, he took a step inside and closed the door, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Justin and I being brothers."

Finally, I looked up. The look on his face was a mix of regret and shameful. I hadn't reflected over the fact that nobody had really told me or informed me about their sibling-thing. It was nothing that really affected me either, sure, it made me understand their frustration and relationship way better but it didn't affect me personally. If they wanted to be siblings in a war over some company, that was none of my business.

I nodded, "It's cool."

"I just want to make sure we're all good?" He took a deep breath and I mentally sighed, imagining teleporting him out through the door and out of my office. Then I began to scold myself for being so rude, though I hadn't even said anything out loud to him.


My eyes internally rolled and I had to, once again, remind myself not to be rude and instead I ended up smiling really fakely to him. I don't think he knew how much all of this interruption was bothering me and I really needed all the time I could possibly get for this case.

He stayed on my doorstep, staring at me as I did my best to ignore his presence. Something in my mind told me to yell at him to leave but I also knew that would just be simply rude of me, he hadn't really done anything wrong and the only reason I was bothered right now was due to the stress I was experiencing. The stress that I would end up losing against Justin. I couldn't let that happen, it would be the best day of my life if I succeed in actually winning against him.

But, in the end, I had enough of the staring, "Was there something else?"

"No, no," He made a little wave with his hands as he took a step back, "I'll be in my office, let me know if you need any help or anything."

Once he left, I took a deep breath and almost cried out of happiness. Me, being lonely, lasted for about ten minutes before another man stepped into my office and this time, I could barely hold myself together from actually exploding.

"Gosh, why is everyone finding my office so interesting?" I raised my voice, forgetting the fact that I was practically yelling at my boss who seemed utterly confused by my rage. Instead of questioning me, or perhaps asking if he should leave and come back another time, Justin decided to close the door behind him and take further steps into my stealing my working hours, "Seriously, what do you want now?"

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