Chapter 13 - Office dating

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I waited for the elevator to open the doors so that I could get the hell out of here. The tears were stinging in my eyes but I wasn't going to cry. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he had me crying. I deserved much better than that.

It only took a few moments for it to finally get to the ground floor but it felt like ages. When I finally opened, I reached down my pocket to get my phone so that I could text Lucas to come pick me up. I needed a night with lots of food and ice cream, perhaps search for a new job too.

I was living in New York, for God's sake, how was I going to make it without an income? If I didn't find anything else instantly, I would have to move. Again. New Jersey just wasn't my cup of tea and I loved this side of the bridge, so much more.

"Damn it," I mumbled quietly to myself, sticking my hands in both my pockets and realising that none of them was holding my phone for me. "Shit," I froze, realising I must've left it upstairs. I couldn't go home without my phone. I had to have it, "Oh, for fuck's sake, just my lucky day."

I rolled my eyes as I stepped back into the elevator and pressed the button to take me back upstairs. The anxiety level grew to a hundred for each level I passed, getting closer to the one I knew Justin was still at. Him and Alex. They were by themselves, on the same floor and I remembered that I never asked where everyone else was.

It was too late now, though, I wasn't interested in making a small chat. My plan was to get my phone and leave, without neither of them being able to say a word to me.

Stepping out of the elevator, I felt the familiar scent of a clean and neat office. The smell reminded me of leather and I assumed it was because of the fact that most offices were covered with leather chairs and sofas. In my head, I was being as discreet as possible but apparently, I must have misjudged it extremely because, within a few seconds, I heard his voice call my name.


I could feel his steps behind mine, approaching me closer by each second and I tried to be faster. Now, where did I put my phone? I decided to check my own office first, hearing Justin's calls behind me multiple times which each time, I ignored. My hands roamed around my desk, looking for the little smartphone that didn't feel very smart in this moment. Why didn't I just pick it up with me the first time?

"Where is it?" I mumbled to myself, looking around the room one an extra time before I exited and headed over to Justin's. I expected him to be inside but he wasn't, which led me to let out a relieved sigh. Quickly, scanning over his office, his desk coming into view which gave me goosebumps. It was the type of goosebumps that I didn't know whether or not they were good or bad. It was like my body reminded myself of a good time where my head was reminding me of the humiliation that I was put through.

Disgustingly, I scoffed at myself and went back to focusing on the actual mission. Finding my phone

"Jessie?" His voice was heard again.

I groaned out loud, not being able to find it anywhere and I stressed myself as I could see Justin's shadow appearing in the doorframe. Not looking his way, I tried to make my way out of his office without him following (which was clearly impossible and I felt like a fool for thinking I would be able to).

Running around the floor with a panicked gaze, searching everywhere for my phone and doing everything I could to avoid Justin's eyes, I stopped abruptly when I saw a blanket put out in the middle of the floor in the copy machine room with a bunch of candles lit around it. There were flowers in the middle and a basket full of food. I took in the room, not realising what was happening until I heard Justin clear his throat behind me.

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