Chapter 19 - Courtroom error

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My skirt was extra neat today. I had been standing in front of the mirror for multiple hours, more than I usually would, and counted down the minutes before I would have to present the biggest case of my life. I couldn't lose this, I really couldn't let him win this one.

It was me against Justin today. Me against my boyfriend.

We had promised each other that whatever happened today, and whoever won, that it wouldn't affect our relationship. I had tried to somewhat hypnotise him slightly with sex (professional lawyer, was it?) to try and get him to go a little extra easy today.

Justin was one of the most famous lawyers there were and he had a good reputation for almost never losing one of his cases. Today was going to be the day were I surprised everyone by taking home the jackpot. Walking out of that courtroom, I wanted all media and press to write about how I shockingly took the world by storm. How I got justice for this woman and beat one of the greatest lawyers in the world (well, also known as my boyfriend).

I wasn't going to lose this. There's no way I'm losing this.

"Ready, babe?" Justin had a smirk on his face that then played off with a wink. I blushed a little as images from last night appeared in my head.

Knowing him, he saw this as a fun game since he seemed very sure of his thing. I was just as sure, though and he wasn't prepared for my arguments. I couldn't wait to see his face once he realised he's failed his client.

I kissed him gently as I began to do his untied tie. His belt was also unmade so far so once I was done with the first task, I went to the second. Helping him was the least I could do before I kicked his butt in that courtroom.

It was a little humourful, how we ended up having the same case against each other. I was surprised that we both went through with it, then again, it was a big case for the both of us and we had both been working day and night for this day. I would lie if I said that I wasn't a little bit scared to meet him on the other side, to have him against me for once and to argue with him in front of other people.

Nobody knew that we were involved with each other and I wanted to keep it that way. Imagine the gasps people would make when we tried to screw each other over, knowing that we were connected in a romantic way. Yeah, we definitely did not need that right now.

"As ready as I can be," I smiled back and kissed him once more before I heard a knock on the door. A voice came instantly after, telling us it was time to face the judge for the first time. I took a deep breath, Justin mocking my actions, "Let's do this."

"Promise it won't affect us?"

Justin had been nervous the entire day, beginning to make it noticeable yesterday even, and I didn't really understand why. He was used to big meaningful cases like these (much more than me anyway) and had done it a million times before. I, on the other hand, was new to this and I had a thousand more reasons to be terrified. Yet, he seemed to be the most nervous out of us. Maybe not even nervous, perhaps more worried.

All I could think was that he knew my abilities and knew who he was going to be met with. I've shown him my skills before and he's complimented them many times by now. We were both nervous for today because we both knew only one could go home happy after today.

Once we were finally inside of the court, me and my client on my side of the room and Justin and his client on the other, the speaker man told everyone to rise and informed us that the session was now recording. Just as usual. A few moments later, the judge walked in to take his seat.

It was a man.


He looked at the crowded room with empathyless eyes before sitting down, "Thank you. You may all be seated. The court is now in session, the state with Mr Dunman and Mrs Dunman is now in session."

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