Chapter 16 - Home to me

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"Here are all the papers you asked for, miss." 

I looked up to meet a woman's eyes and I could tell by the headset she was wearing that she worked on the bottom floor, sorting emails to us. She was one of these people that took two hundred calls a day and suddenly, I felt bad for her. I hadn't been the sweetest person on earth to her and that poor girl was struggling all day long with her incoming calls and notes and sending off cases to us actual lawyers.

So, I smiled and thanked her for her time. I had asked a random person outside to go and get the papers I had printed out. It was the final documents I had to check through before the court date next week. I could feel my heart skip a beat at the thought of it while a nervous excitement shot through my body. Standing in court, fighting with my boyfriend, was exciting yet terrifying.

We had promised not to let anything get personal and that whatever happened, stayed in court. We weren't going to be fighting about it on the way home and whoever won, won. We were going to leave it at that and I felt pretty confident about that rule.

Together, we had come to the conclusion that we were not allowed to talk about the case outside of work and once it was over, when one of us had another victory to celebrate, we would be happy for one another and cherish that person. It wasn't going to affect our relationship and I loved the idea of that.

Separating work from personal life was surely the way to go.

After a couple of minutes, checking through those final papers and marking all the important words, I placed them in the folder with all the other papers at the same time that Justin entered my office with a smirk.

"Hey, you ready?"

"Wrapping up," I confirmed, seeing a wide grin on his face which I knew was because he was going over to my place. We had agreed on eating dinner at my place tonight, to just order in and have a cosy evening in front of my TV. 

Ever since last week's incident with the blonde woman and the catfight, we had stayed silent about it and ignored it ever happened. Together, we agreed that it was unnecessary to talk about and that what happened was purely her fault (not mine) which I was happy that Justin bought. When I told him what happened, the minutes after in his office, he seemed frustrated until I told him that she started it and suddenly; he was all happy with me again.

I was glad he fired her and I knew Justin was too. He wanted me happy, I could tell, and the past week I've noticed that he keeps on doing anything I want to keep me satisfied. His shifts even changed from when I wanted to see him and what I had in mind for us to do that day. It did leave me wondering about how he had the time to prepare for this case that we were both having, considering I felt like I had to work on it every single second of my woken time, but I also had to remind myself that he was much more of a professional than what I was. I was just beginning to understand the whole lawyer concept and Justin had been doing this for years. I'm sure he didn't need as much preparation as I did.

Also, the less he spent preparing the case; the more chances of me winning. I was looking forward to seeing his face so priceless when he realises that he probably should've focused a bit more on the case. But I had to remember that Justin had never lost a case and my competition isn't easy, there's a slight chance I won't be winning. He knows what he's doing.

"After you," He motioned for me to leave the office once I had grabbed my coat and handbag. Switching off the light, I locked up the room and noticed that we were basically the only ones left. Staring down at my watch, I realised that the time was much more than what I thought.

I gasped, "Oh God, it's already eight?"

"Yeah, we're kinda late. You were working really hard, though, I didn't want to bother you."

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