Chapter 15 - Bitches in the office

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Waiting for the elevators to open felt like a thousand years. I was impatiently tapping my fingers lightly on the buttons that I had pressed for only a second ago in hope to make it go faster. 

The butterflies appeared the same moment that I stepped my feet into the office, greeting the receptionist and anyone else who came in my way in a positive manner. I had never been someone who people knew about in this building, only on the fifth floor where I had my office (people knew me because I was associated with being in Justin's office one too many times) but today, things were different. People smiled at me and called me by my last name, which surprisingly I thought nobody knew of. It was a positive thing, though, I liked being discovered in this glasshouse. It was a nice change.

Finally, I heard the little bell ring and I happily quickened my steps out of it until I was standing in Justin's doorframe, leaning my head towards the wall with an obvious grin on my face, "Good morning."

Justin looked up from his desk, his face immediately lightning up at the sight of me, "Good morning, girlfriend." My eyebrows raised as I felt the colour of my cheeks change slightly. My reaction made Justin quickly stand up and assure himself, "Or, am I allowed to call you that?"

"I guess," I pressed my lips together as I tried to keep myself from screaming out loud of joy. I had a boyfriend? Justin was my boyfriend?  Words could not describe the happiness filling my entire body at the thought of it.

There had been some warning signs in my head that we were taking things too far too quickly but there was also this other part of me that said that it was okay. It felt right which made me assure myself that it was going to be fine.

When I told Lucas over the phone what had happened, all I got in return was the "what did I tell you" speech. It made me laugh, knowing that he had made those bets with himself that Justin and I were going to end up anyway. He had known this entire time and was even excited about it. I couldn't have asked for a better friend, someone who supports my every move and whatever I choose, is always the right move if you'd ask him. I was always correct and I loved him for making me feel that way.

"I have to work on the case, damn it," I mumbled to myself as I remembered what I was actually doing in this building. Justin offered to walk me to my office which I gladly accepted, "How was your night? Did you sleep well?"

"I was thinking about you."

I stopped as I walked into the office, giving him a knowing glance as I knew he was trying to swoop me off my feet. He was good at it, I'm not going to lie. He knew exactly how to charm women and I wasn't surprised that he said something cheesy like that. I would also lie if I said that I didn't enjoy it, "Well, I was thinking about you too."

"Mhm?" I watched him bite his bottom lip slowly as he glimpsed at me up and down. I recognised that look and it made me blush slightly which I was praying that he wouldn't notice. 

I gasped, "Not in that way! Justin!"

He laughed as I sat down at my desk, quickly skimming through the documents that someone had left on top of my keyboard. I think Justin noticed because he walked into the room fully, closing the door behind him as he sat down in the chair opposite of the desk. It was the seat that meant business, not personal life- talk. 

"Have you finished your summary of the case?" Justin asked, his eyebrows a little raised and it looked as if he was hopeful. I giggled as I replied with a yes, knowing that he was probably behind on the case that we were both working on, "Shit, I haven't, is it okay if I look through your summary? I believe you've covered the most, you're a talented lawyer."

"Sure," I nodded as I opened up the document on my computer. I quickly opened a new copy and searched up all of my yellow marked sentences to delete them, knowing that was what my own personal values and arguments were at. I couldn't let him see those but the case in itself was no problem to share, he couldn't do anything with those anyway, "I'll send it to your email."

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