Chapter 28 - Flirting at the Bar

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"I can't believe we're here!" I squealed, the excitement growing with each step I took towards our own personal bungalow. My eyes travelled around my surroundings, taking in the beautiful place I would have never imagined to find myself at.

It was sunny outside, just like I had expected. The waves from the crystal clear ocean made the entire place sound very peaceful. Justin's hand were holding mine tightly and I felt like a little child on Christmas. I rarely travelled, to be honest, I can't remember the last time I was on a plane. He brought me here and I was more than happy to hold his hand if that was what it took for him to see my appreciation.

I know the reason he took me here and I know why he was acting very cuddly with me but I really didn't mind right now. It was nice to be at a place like this, with someone who cares about you and that I know would do anything for me. He was being really sweet to me, for a reason.

"It's so beautiful," I said, a gasp leaving my mouth right after. We were finally standing on the balcony of our bungalow, the ocean view perfectly placed ahead of us. I could see the waves disappear underneath our house and we even had our own personal swimming pool, "Wow," I said again and couldn't find the words for anything else, "It's just so perfect."

Justin's hand went around my waist, "It's the perfect spot for a perfect girl."

I giggled, feeling the cheesiness come right out of him as per usual. He was always like this, made sure I was feeling my best at all times and complimented me every chance he gets. I know he loves to see me giggle like that, knowing it was because of something he said. How can someone so precious and sweet also be cruel and possessive?

I've read all about sociopaths, the interest of human beings and their flaws have always been with me, and I was beginning to see the different connections between Justin's behaviour and sociopaths. I think it was because of his mood swings, how he for one second would look at me with love and the next he attacked me and choked me. I would never admit it to anyone but I was a little afraid of him.

Although I was not an expert and I knew that it takes a lot to be considered a sociopath. Justin sure had similar behaviour sometimes but I knew he also has a heart and cares about people, which mentally unstable people tend not to do. He doesn't like to show himself vulnerable but deep inside, he really is. 

My mind ended up thinking about his dead son and the fact that I was the one who was going to give him a second chance of being a father. I felt bad for him and all the horrible things he must've been through because of that and because of that woman, especially. I was glad he had found me, instead. Not that I was an angel of some sort but he put his heart in my hands and allowed me to handle it. He trusted me and I knew that was an unusual feeling for him.

"We should go take a swim," Justin suggested, breaking the silence. I nodded, feeling the heat have my skin a little more glowy than usual. I didn't sweat that easily but I could definitely feel the little drops of water form on my skin. I was way too overdressed for this sunny weather.

I went back inside, packed up my bikini and began to change. I could feel Justin's eyes stare at me, follow my every movement and when I turned my head to look at him; he was casually licking his lips as his eyes were stuck on my body. I giggled, turned back around and finished changing. For some reason, I didn't mind him watching me. I've always loved teasing me and Justin was especially fun to play around with. It was probably due to his temper and extremely sexual ways of getting what he wants.

"You're so hot," I heard him whisper as I walked past him once I was completely finished changing, now all that was on my body was a tiny bikini that was barely covering anything anyway. I swung my hips a little extra, to really make sure he caught a great view.

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