Chapter 27 - The Maldives, here I come

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Staring down at my bag, I realised I barely had any of the necessary stuff with me yet my entire luggage felt full. I had packed a few bikinis and some lighter clothing pieces but other than that, I feel like the rest of the shit in here wouldn't come to much use.

So, with the time being probably way too much and a rude Justin calling from downstairs, I decided to unpack and repack. It was probably not the best choice since I didn't really have much time but it was definitely necessary. I didn't need this much stuff with me.

"Why would I need this?" I mumbled quietly to myself, pulling out the grey oversized sweatshirt that I knew was too hot for me to be wearing in a weather like that. This was almost too hot to use here during the spring then why would I need that there? "This is ridiculous," I picked up a pair of panties that looked like something my grandma would wear. I would never put this on during a trip with Justin. He would rather force me to sleep naked than seeing me in those.

I giggled at my thoughts but the same moment they appeared, I had to push them out again. I didn't want to allow my brain to think of him in that way, not now, I was supposed to hate him. But I think, with the baby and all, I was slowly going back to the thoughts of being with him again. I would lie if I said that we had a bad relationship. It was romantic and beautiful. He was romantic and beautiful.

"Jessica," I heard the man of my dream enter the room and I immediately cursed myself for thinking so highly of him but there was just something inside my body that exploded in me at the sound of his voice, "Are you done? We have to leave."

I nodded though I was far from ready, "Five minutes."

"You get two," He muttered and left again.

I could tell that he was stressed and I wasn't sure why but I allowed his mood swings, knowing that whatever I said was probably not going to cheer him up considering I was the one taking my time and making us late. He had apparently been done for the past two hours, just waiting for me to get ready so that we could leave.

Clearly, I didn't want to miss our flight either but me and packing just didn't always go along. I had a habit of packing the wrong things and realising too late and I also pack too much, with the thinking that maybe I'll want to use this and if I don't pack it I will miss it. Usually, that's not true and I should really better myself when it comes to planning my outfits beforehand whenever I travel. Which doesn't happen too often so I was oddly excited about this trip?

I think I really needed to get away for a while. With all the shit that's been happening, some time off at a beach did not sound wrong. Sometimes I asked myself what I did to meet a rich man like Justin. Someone who would go out of his way to take me to the Maldives. What normal boyfriend does that?

Shit- there I go again, calling him the b-word.

I sighed, looking down at the half packed bag and decided that it was enough. I threw some random clothes inside the bag and shut it close, a little anxiety spark growing within me knowing that I barely knew what I was going to carry with me but at the end of the day, I had my bikinis and my beach wear; I don't think I'll need much else. And with Justin around, I don't think he'll want me to wear much more.

"It's been three minutes now baby," Justin's voice appeared behind me and jumped lightly at the sudden sound of someone in the room. Once again, he had managed to scare me. He chuckled at my reaction but remained with a serious face. I mumbled something about me telling him to give me five minutes but he reminded me of his own rules, "Well, I said two. What I say is final."

"Not true," I peeped in, giving him a glare which clearly worked because he held his hands up in surrender and said that he'd wait for however much longer I needed. That wasn't entirely true either because I knew that we had a plane to catch and that would definitely not wait for us, "Will you help me carry this downstairs?"

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