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That previous summer.......

He hated these things. He hated having to be there. He hated having to dress up. Above all, he hated having to put on a fake smile and act cordial with a bunch of people he could've cared less about. He did it anyways, only because it meant a lot to his father. For him, he would do anything. He adored his father and would do anything he asked of him no questions asked. His dad, would of course spoil him in return. It was no secret; his dad knew he didn't like being there, but if he would eventually take over his company, the earlier he got acostumed to the role the better.

The room was filled with pieces of shit, or at least that's what he called them. No, not literally, don't get too excited. They were his father's business partners and clients. Every quarter, his father hosted a gala at his firm for them to enjoy food and drink and celebrate the company's continued success. It was all a show of course, to keep investors confident in the company and acquire new ones. He could care less though, to him, these people were disgusting human beings. There was not a single thing they would not do to make a profit. For these people only money talked.

Another thing he didn't like, was all the middle aged married women eyeing him like a starving dog staring at a beef steak. He was handsome, he accepted that. He was tall and muscular and had a beautiful handsome and masculine face. He would go through this everytime, the women would constantly flaunt in front if him and some of them would even go as far as deliberately touching him as if the looks they sent his way weren't enough to get the message across. They would walk up to him with the pretext of greeting him, and sneek in a touch here and there. Grabbing a arm and doing the typical, OMG how strong you are comment. Once, a nasty cunt went as far as to rub his thigh while they were eating dinner. How he wished he could just look at them and tell them, whore be gone!

He felt different today though. There was just something in his gut that told him that today would be different. He just didn't know what. His father could tell he was on edge. He had this knowing look on his face as if he knew something that he didn't.

He would turn 16 in a week, and he decided to focus his thoughts on that. His dad was going to take him camping, a tradition they had started a few years ago. He loved it because he got to spend quality time with his father, undisturbed for a whole weekend, just the two of them. For him, it was better than Christmas. His birthday couldn't come any faster.


To be continued...


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