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It ain't much but its juicy.


                                                                                   33. Hallowseve

Jason walked into his suite. A short time later, he felt his phone buzzing.

-Hey do you wanna go to the mall and check out Halloween costumes? Rudy asked.

He thought about it for a moment because he felt that Nathan was still mad at him because of the incident earlier that week. He considered asking him for permission but he feared that if he did he would get turned down. He considered that if he went along without asking first was a safer bet than asking him and simultaneously letting him know where he wanted to go. If he didn't ask chances were he would be completely unaware of his absence. That's a great idea if you do not consider the fact THEY LIVE TOGETHER. But dont mind me Jason, I'm just the narrator.

-yeah sure I'm down. Jason replied. 


They arrived at the store located inside a near by strip mall. The store was assorted with all types of costumes that you could think of. From monsters and fairies to Jerry Springer and Donald Trump. 

-Check this out. Jason told Rudy.

He held up a vampire costume that came with the whole show, teeth and everything. Rudy for some reason giggled.

-That's pretty bomb. Rudy said.

-Why you giggling for?  

-Because you would look so cute in it. 

-Thanks Bro.

Somehow he felt something else was up, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

-But we ain't here for that type of costume. 

-what do you mean?

-well we are here for something else, that's what I mean. Rudy stated as he looked around the room. 

-what exactly are we here for then? 

-You'll see. 

After looking around the store for a few more minutes Rudy finally found what he was looking for. He had gone down the aisle with an assortment of masks before coming to a stop towards the end of it. He stopped and pulled a mask located right in front of it. Jason was confused what he wanted that type of mask for. 

-Pick one out. Rudy told him. 

-What the hell we need these for? I thought we came here for halloween costumes? what kind of cosplay shit is this?

-How about you shut up, pick one and try it on! Rudy responded while motioning over to the mirror that hung close by.

After a brief search, Jason grabbed one of them , and then, put it on. He looked in the mirror, and what he saw took his breath away. He looked good, no better than good.

-OH my ghawd! Rudy exclaimed loudly.

-what? jason asked.

-I think there's something wrong with my eyes!

-Why what's wrong? Jason asked concerned.

 -I can't take them off you!

-You are so extra. Jason responded, but laughed nonetheless. 

-No seriously you look really good! You must be cake, cause i want a piece of that!

-really dude? You can stop now.

-okay okay, just one more!


-Please? Rudy begged.


-Pretty please?

-Ok, fine.

-yeah, you are that and more! 

Jason rolled his eyes before asking;

So are you gonna explain why we need these type of masks for?

-Oh! right I forgot! We need them for tonight. Rudy replied.

-No shit, I figured that but why these KIND of masks.

-Cause we going out today skank!


-I wish I could but Nathan would murder my ass.

-Motha...! Jason said before he charged him, completely pissed off with his antics.

-okay okay! I'll tell you. We need these because......

..............we're going to a masquerade ball.

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