Anal Destruction

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He thought it was weird, how much he has gotten attached in the past few weeks. Nathan was all he thought about on a daily basis, from the moment he got up all the way to the moment he would lay his head down to go to bed. 

Heck, he even thought about him all through his sleep in his dreams. Nathan was more than just a very appealing infatuation, a very very smokin' hot infatuation. Though he would never admit to Nathan how deep his feelings for him were, he knew deep down that he was obsessed. 

 It was slightly helpful how Vernon's curriculum was set up, giving the student a fast paced environment centered on  vigorous in-class instruction with slightly longer school days. It provided him with a nice distraction at times, even though it didn't always work.

 It didn't help either that he was still a virgin despite having been with him for weeks, months already. Oh and there was also the fact that Nathan was always there with him every single moment, rubbing, touching, licking, biting, grabbing, stroking, etc. You get the picture. 

-Earth to Jason, come in, Earth to Jason. Rudy spoke up playfully.

Jason glanced over at him and then looked down at his shoes while blushing. He had once again been caught day dreaming. 

-Sorry, what's up? He eventually spoke up.

-Your head; its up in the clouds. Rudy replied while dramatically gesturing upwards.

-haha whatever. Jason replied while rolling his eyes.

-So whats got you so distracted other than Nathan's cock? Rudy chirped as if it was a completely normal question, while he sipped on his smoothie.

-Sorry to break it to you Rudy, but not everyone is as thirsty and perverted as you! Jason stated smugly.

-Perverted me? How dare you? Talk to me when you are no longer a virgin and then we can talk like real adults. Rudy replied sarcastically.

Jason once again began to doze off after Rudy's remark, with his mind wondering about his status since he still was in possession of his v-card.

-Seriously Jason, what's up whats got you all in deep thought and shit. Rudy asked concerned. 

-Well, it's true I'm still a virgin, and I'm just curious as to why Nathan hasn't really made a move to change that. I mean he hasn't even mentioned if he has plans on it. I just don't understand we had done other stuff, so what's the hold up?

-Look Jason, don't think about it too much, it will happen, probably sooner than you think. I'm pretty sure he wants it as bad if not more than you do. Seriously with an ass like that it would be pretty hard to resist the temptation. Even though I'm a bottom, even I would tap that. If I was Nathan, I'd slap that ass all night. Rudy stated while gesturing ass smacking with his hands making Jason laugh at his silly demonstration. 

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