Flashback part 2

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Dedicated to my newest followers

OK fam we deep in this bitch!


After dinner, he did what he usually did at these events he just stood around and waited for it to be over. Once in a while, he would interact with the other attendees but he did only out of boredom and to not be rude. Usually there wasn't many people his age present, other than a few who were brought by their parents. In reality he was the only one who really had a reason to be there given that he would eventually succeed his father as the head of the company.

He was now standing in the balcony of the ballroom where this event was always hosted. It over looked the city and gave a beautiful picturesque view of the skyline. Given that it was summer, the weather was just right. The sun was now setting and it was breathtaking. He sipped on lemonade, which he obviously spiked, cause why not? Anything to help make that evening somewhat pleasurable.

While silently observing the sun set, something or should I say someone, caught his eye. A boy his age, was casually standing up against the banister of the balcony admiring the view.

He was captivated by him. He had never seen such a beautiful guy before. It was the first time he actually saw another guy who he thought was beautiful and attractive. The sunlight radiated on his skin, which caused an aura around him that made him glow. He had flawless skin, amazing bone structure, beautiful curly dark blond hair and a great figure for a male. His ass looked so amazing it made his cock twitch. It looked so big and tight he new it would feel amazing to be buried in it. He didn't know if this meant that he was gay, but frankly he didn't really care. All he could really think right now is that he wanted him. A angel that fell from heaven was the only thing that came close to accurately describing him. And then he saw him smile, and it took his breath away. That weird feeling inside of him? Well that was just the feeling of his heart melting for his little angel.

-Close your mouth son, before you swallow a bug, and you're drooling. We just finished dinner and yet you look like a hungry mutt. His dad commented as he approached him.

He looked down and blushed seemingly embarrassed that his dad caught him in such a vulnerable moment. Looking down at his shoes, he didn't notice the boy he was looking at was being approached by a waiter. The waiter began striking up a conversation with him seemingly flirting. His dad had in fact observed him staring at the boy, which immediately spiked his curiously, and caused him to wonder who the boy would turn out to be. He patiently waited to see what his son's reaction would be when he looked up and noticed the scene before him. So he got a idea.

-Son isn't that sunset just marvelous? He asked.

Without a second thought, his son raised his head once again to gaze out at it.

-Yes father it is. He replied.

Almost instantly his eyes flipped from the sunset to the beautiful boy he had been watching, therefore, realizing that he was no longer alone. The sight sent him over the edge. He had never felt such rage in his life before. His hands were squeezed shut into fists making his knuckles completely white. They started to bleed because his nails were piercing his skin. He was raging so hard he trembled and you could feel the heat radiating from his body. Then he heard his father chuckle next to him.

-well I guess that settles that.

He looked up at his father confused by his words. Noticing him also staring at the boy, he glanced back at him and the waiter. Almost instantly, he saw the waiter cut his conversation and start to walk away. The beautiful boy, not knowing any better, just turned around and continued looking out over the city as he had been before. The waiter walked over in their direction and as he approached him his dad gave him a curt nod while saying;

-Great job Jackson, you may return to your regular duties now, thank you.

-it's my pleasure to be of service sir.
The waiter responded before swiftly disappearing amongst the guests.

-what was that about? The young man asked his father.

-I just needed to confirm something. He responded with a proud smirk. Then, they were joined by his father's business partner.

-So, is it true, have you been able to have it confirmed? The man asked his father.

-Indeed. His father replied to his business partner nodding.

-well isn't that just great. What are the chances of that? He stated while smirking and looking very excited.

To be continued.....


Hopefully you all aren't too confused with this chapter. It is a continuation to flashback. Part three will follow after another set of chapters. Just stick with it, in the end it will all fit together. I'm shooting for a certain type of "experience" that I want for my readers to have. This is why I'm writing this story in this manner. As big advocate of the art that is literature I believe that people should have a experience when they read a piece of literature, which is what I want for you all. So if you ask a question I may not elaborate to much not because I want to ignore you but because I don't want to kill the experience for you. But comment anyway because I want to see your thoughts, and once it's all finished I'll be revisiting the comments and ask how you feel now or should I say then (when we get to the finish line).

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