Baby Cakes pt. 2

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5. Baby Cakes Pt.2

Jason tried to focus his attention to the movie but it was hard given the position he was in. It was impossible to focus with Nathan's hot breath on his neck. The movie he was watching was too ridiculous to focus on anyways.

The title he would have given it in his opinion, is Fifty Shades of a Basic Bitch of Fifty Shades of Whack As Fuck.

The sloppy looking actress in the main role looked like she wouldn't even land a job as a porn star if she tried. It says a lot when the movie you're acting in is practically a porno itself and somehow you manage to perform worse than an porno actress.

Oh and the guy in the movie, damn what a let down. No he's not ugly but compared to the actual character described in the book, he didn't really match up. Nathan on the other hand was a walking sex god. So you can imagine why Jason couldn't help but wonder if he was a basic bitch like Anastasia, or if he actually matched up
to Nathan's level hotness.

In the case of Jaaon, the lack of love or affection throughout his life had a deep impact on him. When Jason was born, he was the most beautiful baby people had ever seen. When he would walk around town with his mother people would literally stop and stare at him, especially women, and always try to touch him up. Around the age of four or five he began to put on weight, becoming chubby. Though he wasn't ugly by any means, people just stopped showing him affection like they used to. Once in a while they would drop the occasional comment about how beautiful he used to be. Even though he wasn't even close to being ugly, people were almost angry that he wasn't the weight he used to be. Once he hit his teens, he lost the extra weight but kept some junk the trunk. Well not some, he had a table for twelve back there. At least some good came out of it. Thanks to women eye raping him and not leaving him alone as a baby, he ended up subconsciously hating them. Maybe that's why he's not attracted to them and only men.

Though Jason was no longer big, and he wasn't even ugly when he was, he was somewhat insecure. He was very beautiful and naturally so. He had very thick eyelashes thanks to his Spanish heritage, with beautiful brown curly hair. A creamy white skin complexion, high checks, nice jaw, and pointed sharp chin. His lips were this perfect slight red hint to them and they were pretty thick too.

He was so beautiful people would ask him if he wore makeup. Once they got up close they could see for themselves it was natural.

He would just laugh and retort do I look like an Asian male pop star?! Everyone knows they wear caked on make up even though they won't admit it. Walking around looking like they got hit by Homer Simpson's makeup rifle. If you don't know what I'm talking about Google that shit and see if you don't laugh. I challenge you hos. Anyways let's stay out of Jason's whack mind you could get lost in there.

A/N: since mofos wannted trya bitch in da comments on some bullshit
here's Dis shit right here

A/N: since mofos wannted trya bitch in da comments on some bullshithere's Dis shit right here

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Jason was taken aback as to why Nathan had picked out this movie. The storyline in general was kinda weird. The most annoying basic bitch ever ends up with a super hot and mysterious guy. A blank sheet of paper is more interesting than this chick. Their relationship just isn't realistic.

He began to compare the storyline of the movie to his own current situation. He wondered if there was a similarity between them and the characters in the movie. The two characters though being complete misfits,  were in fact in a relationship. Was he and Nathan in a relationship as well or was he just a toy for him to bully around and to do his bidding? Maybe Nathan did want something permanent with him. Maybe the their relationship was not that  different from the movie after all.



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